Returning to work after having a baby can be both exciting and overwhelming. While you may be eager to get back to your career and social life, it’s normal to feel conflicted about leaving your little one behind. In …

A pregnancy, Motherhood and Lifestyle Blog
Returning to work after having a baby can be both exciting and overwhelming. While you may be eager to get back to your career and social life, it’s normal to feel conflicted about leaving your little one behind. In …
Being a mother can be an experience that is both joyful and challenging at times. In the hectic world of motherhood, it is easy to get caught up in the small difficulties that arise from time to time. Being …
Starting a family is definitely one of the most stressful yet most rewarding tasks any woman can go through. When you decide to have a family, especially if it is the first time, there are so many things that …
You as a parent want nothing but the best for your children. However, this inclination may cause you to engage in parenting practices that are detrimental to your child’s growth and development. Even if it was unintentional, once you …
Do you feel frustrated when you see that your children spend a super long time to perform a few tasks, or activities? If your answer is yes, in this article I am going to give you some important tips …
Are you a mom hosting a Thanksgiving party this year? If so, have you thought about making sure that you enjoy yourself? Unfortunately, when it comes to hosting a party, such as a Thanksgiving party, there are many party …
As a mother, I know that grades are not everything, but it can’t be denied that they are a fundamental part of our children’s education and success in life. From elementary school all the way to high school. To …
If you’re a new Mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about doing so in public. Or perhaps you are disturbed by reports of women who are being harassed for breastfeeding in public. Here you have …
How can two or three children in the same family be so different? They are brought up in the same broad social environment, under a similar set of rules and an identical family value system. They also come from …
There are just as many parenting styles as there are a number of parents. Experts believe the parenting styles fall into 4 different and identifiable styles: authoritarian, indulgent, authoritative, and uninvolved. The following article offers some insight to those …
Nothing can prepare new parents for the mind-numbing weariness that comes with lack of sleep after having a baby. It takes a lot of work to establish good sleeping habits. One of the hardest things to learn for your …
Your toddler may think that he or she’s a complete superhero when it comes to language acquisition, and its actually true! In particular, compared to adult language learners. As easy as acquiring multiple languages is for small children, the single …
Increased parental involvement provides the best foundation for a successful start to the school year. Back-to-school offers an opportunity for parents to get to know their children’s teachers and to be involved in their education all year-round, said Reg …
Believe it or not, you impart a legacy of health to your children that goes well beyond the genes you give them. You also pass along health beliefs and model health-related choices. Here you have 10 Ways Parents Can …
Are you a mom of a child that you love deeply but misbehaves on a daily basis? Do you know what’s the best way to discipline your child? If you are not sure about your answer keep reading because …
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a new baby! Now, on to the serious stuff. You need to get yourself prepared for your new baby and you will need to adjust your house and car for the new …
Child safety devices are available at hardware stores, baby equipment shops, supermarkets, drug stores, home and linen stores, and through mail order catalogues. As a parent, one of the most important task you will have is to keep safe …
Babies need positive attention and guidance to grow healthy and happy. During your baby’s first year you may have many questions about guidance and discipline. The first years of your child’s life are critical for a healthy development. You …
When to wean is a question facing all breastfeeding mums. How does a new mum know when to introduce solid food into her baby’s diet, and what sort of food can a baby eat? Therefore in this post, we …
A mothers dream is to enjoy the fruits of her labor, to know that her children are happy, confident, and kind to all. There are many detours and roadblocks along the way, but you can overcome them using these …
Let’s be realistic, without proper planning, the holidays are anything but a holiday, mainly for busy working moms. Just look at the list of things that need to be done: Shopping, cooking, cleaning, decorating, sending holiday mail, the list …
Wanting your child to be organized and stay safe is an innate desire for parents. But sometimes, your kids don’t see it that way. All your kids want to do is play, play and play some more! If you’re …
Your feelings are tied up in that tiny little preemie bundle of joy, and you have a hard time comprehending this small, wrinkled resemblance of a baby that is attached to every conceivable medical equipment could belong to you. …
Caring for your baby is certainly one of the most important things you need to consider once you became a new parent. There are many things you need to take into account in order to make sure that your …
The birth of a child changes lives forever. Becoming a parent comes with several concerns and responsibilities. And, the main concern becomes effective parenting. While parenting comes naturally to most, the many concerns of the modern world and it’s …
It is a sad fact, but many people retire only to live in poverty. After working forty plus year, and over that time earning hundreds of thousands of dollars, many have very little at the end. What happened to …
It may sound impossible, but traveling with a baby does not have to be a nightmare! A little preparation and forward planning is all you need for a successful trip with your little human. In this post, I am going …
Keeping your baby safe at all times is one of your greatest concerns and responsibilities for parents. There is so much to consider and it is very easy to overlook something that might be fairly obvious to some but …
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome best known as SIDS, is a frightening fear for most mothers. SIDS is often referred to as crib death, and is the sudden death of an infant who stops breathing. It is rare, affecting less …
Colic is like a puzzle, that has not been worked out as yet. No one in fact is familiar with what generates it, and there is no “single size fits every one” treatment for it also. The positive thing is …
Are you in charge of planning a baby shower?, do you know all the things that you need in order to create an unforgettable baby shower?. A shower theme, Decorations, food and give backs or favors etc. This guide …
Perhaps the biggest problem with baby clothes is that they don’t last. Not because they wear out, but because your baby quickly out grows them. It’s important to plan your baby clothes shopping around the growth of your baby. …
Learning to read can be a challenging adventure for some children. It seems that everyone from a child’s teacher to Mom and Dad and even Grandma is excited and waiting for the child to learn to read. All the …
If you are a working mommy like me, dealing with my son’s separation anxiety was heartbreaking, and it made me feel like a terrible mother having to leave him in a daycare to go to work every day. In …
As parents, we know that building our child’s sense of self-esteem is essential. Child development specialists tell us so. However, knowing it is important is not the same as knowing how to give your child a strong sense of …
Mastitis is probably one of the most distressing problems you may experience when you are trying to breastfeed. You have been surviving so far the sleepless nights, the hard feeding schedule, the countless diaper changes, the boob leaking… when …
It is well known that the life we follow as adults greatly depends on the skills and interests we learned when we were children. Studies have shown that the vast majority of skills are learned as early as the …
Co-sleeping is the practice where the child sleeps in bed with his parents. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most hotly debated and controversial topics related to pediatric sleep. In this post, we are going to answer the …
Having a healthy relationship with your partner is not an easy task, love is a commitment to choose every day the same person. After 25 years of marriage, 2 kids, and multiple ups and downs, I have good tips …
The ability to read is vital for success. It helps your child succeed in school, helps them build self-confidence, and helps to keep them motivated. Being able to read will help your child learn more about the world, understand …
Starting your baby’s nursery on a budget and you don’t even know where to start? I’ve been there twice. Decorating the nursery for your baby is one of the most rewarding tasks during pregnancy, but it can also be …
Just a couple of weeks ago we were watching the development of the coronavirus in China. I honestly never anticipated that the effects of the coronavirus in America would be so serious. And here we are today, with various …
At some point in the third trimester, you will have to start the important mission of finding the pediatrician for your baby. This task, although it may sound easy, is not. Remember that in the first years on the …
Expecting a second, or a third baby? worry about jealousy? Don’t worry because In this post, I am going to give you important tips on How to help your young boy to adjust to a new baby. These tips …
The first months of a baby’s life are the most important for brain development. Especially between 3 and 12 months of life. Regardless that each baby is born and is going to develop in a way that is inherited …
These months will be glorious for you and your baby because in this period your baby’s personality emerges, and the laughter, giggles, joy and the wonder begin. Every day you will have new achievements and surprises to keep up …
You just had your baby, and everything is perfect, just the way you dream it. You are dying of tenderness and love for that little bundle of joy that keeps you awake 24/7. Say what? Yep, that’s right, the …
A big part of our responsibilities as parents is to instill in our children positive habits and beliefs to face the adversities of life. In this article we will be talking specifically about the practice of positive affirmations for …
The first months after having a baby are the most exciting, but the most overwhelming as well. I remember when I had my first child that the lack of sleep and the pain of the C-section kept me very …
As a parent, one of the biggest challenges you will have is to protect your children from danger and difficult situations. Since they are very small and even after they grow up. But no matter how good you are …
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