How To Teach Time Management Skills To Your Kids.

How To Teach Time Management Skills To Your Kids.
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Do you feel frustrated when you see that your children spend a super long time to perform a few tasks, or activities? If your answer is yes, in this article I am going to give you some important tips on How To Teach Time Management Skills To Your Kids.  Developing Time Management Skills is a fundamental part of life, and a skill that adolescents should definitely learn before reaching adulthood.

Teaching time management skills is like any other form of teaching. When you teach a concept, it takes time before a child or any person is able to learn and fully develop that skill. Teaching the concepts is not enough, but you also need to follow up on your kids to make sure that they regularly use whatever skill they have learned. That way, they make good use of it and be able to think of ways to enhance that skill. These are some time management skills that you can focus on when teaching your children.

What is Time Management skills?

Time management simply means managing one’s time. There are certainly effective and ineffective ways to manage our time, and it looks very different for every person. Time management encompasses several different skills, such as setting and holding boundaries with others, communicating effectively, adjusting expectations of one-self and others, delegating responsibilities when appropriate, and setting realistic goals for one-self etc.

Why Teaching Time Management skills is Important for Children?

Time management is an important skill for children to learn even from a very young age, as it can help them develop more healthy images of themselves, others and the world overall. For instance, when a child isn’t able to manage their time effectively, they may become overwhelmed and want to give up on a certain task or responsibility. However, if time is managed well, children might adopt a sense of accomplishment, improving their sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Time management skills can also help children build and maintain healthy relationships with friends, family, and teachers.

Here you have 4 important Tips on How To Teach Time Management Skills To Your Kids.

1. Teach Them How to Prioritize Tasks.

Prioritizing is one of the basic concepts you must teach your child with regards to time management. This is because most people are hampered by too many activities at once. Many could fall into the idea of finishing a task just for the sake of it, not knowing that there are more important activities to attend to first. But the more crucial part here is identifying which ones should be top priority, because after all when it is in your list it should be important. Bottom line is that time management would depend on your own mental state of the amount of control you have of your time.

2. Planning For Long-Term Time Management Goals.

You can also teach your kids how to plan for long-term tasks and projects. Let them create a mindset that enables them to project their lives 6 months from now. As much as you want to establish the importance of their day to day activities, setting future goals are what drives your present activities.

Once they have realized the importance of future goals, they will understand the importance of being able to accomplish their everyday tasks. Therefore, setting long-term goals and breaking them into smaller chunks (such as daily or weekly goals), you would gradually build that skill.

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How To Teach Time Management Skills To Your Kids.

3. Reviewing Daily Tasks With Them.

The third most important skill to master is the daily review of what was accomplished within any given day. Ask your kids about what specific parts of the day were they able to manage their time efficiently, and which part of the day were they most unproductive. Hence, this will allow them to recognize the flaws in their own time management skills. Unless your children recognize them, they won’t be able to fix what needs to be fixed.

4. Commitment To Higher Learning.

Another major skill to teach your kids is the ability to strive for learning and commitment to further improve their time management skill. It should be a continuous process. You can give them advices when it comes to time management careers, so they would know exactly where to go. As they learn new skills from time to time, they continue to improve themselves and advance their own time management skills.

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Final thoughts.

Teach your kids that their focus everyday should be on gradual and continual improvement of their time management skills. Once they have done this long enough, they should be able to form good habits that can lead them into even greater success in their live.

I hope this article inspires you today. Stay tuned for more other articles like this one.

Zadi, xo.

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(3) Comments

  1. Haha, this si all very true. Time management is paramount when it comes to raising kids and juggling other areas of life overall. Good post Zadi <3

  2. Indeed dear, time management skills is an underrated skill that kids needs to know nowadays.

  3. Yes I couldn’t agree more, there is a time and lace for everything — time is something that no one can get back lol

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