How Parents Can Teach Their Children To Live a Healthy Life.

How Parents Can Teach Their Children To Live a Healthy Life
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Believe it or not, you impart a legacy of health to your children that goes well beyond the genes you give them. You also pass along health beliefs and model health-related choices. Here you have 10 Ways Parents Can Teach Their Children To Live a Healthy Life not only physically but also emotionally.

How Parents Can Teach Their Children To Live a Healthy Life.

1. Instill a sense of wonder about the body.

Many adults fear and distrust their bodies. They believe that the body is fragile, and illness is just around the corner. The myth that you will catch a cold if you go outside without a coat persists. Your kids are listening when you look in the mirror and say to no one in particular, “I’m so fat.”

The truth is your body is the most miraculous mechanical system on the planet. Cuts heal without a single thought or action on your part. Your immune system is your own personal homeland security system, protecting you from bacterial and viral terrorists. Yes, illness is part of the human condition. And we have powerful treatments that aid your body’s own ability to heal. However, even with today’s medicine it’s your body’s ability to battle illnesses, such as the common cold that offers concrete evidence of your body’s resiliency.

Comment on your Childs amazing body. “Wow, that cut healed in no time!” or “You have such strong, fast legs” or “Look at what your hands have been able to draw.” Remind your child how great it is to have eyes and kidneys and hearts that work so well.

2. Become a student of the human body with your child.

Your kids will come to you with questions about how their bodies work. It can be uncomfortable for both you and your child when you don’t have the answers. This discomfort can teach children that they should avoid questions about how their bodies work, which may, in part, explain why parents themselves are reluctant to ask doctors embarrassing questions.

Remember, no one has all the answers. That’s why your doctor participates in continuing medical education. Your child can remind you of the joy of discovery. Together you can look for answers. I mentioned to my son that bones make blood and he asked, “What about creatures with exoskeletons?” I said, “What an interesting question. Lets get on the Internet and see what we can find out.” Have a child-appropriate book about the body available and learn and use anatomically correct words. Maybe you can have a family contest to come up with the coolest medical term.

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3. Teach your kids to listen to their bodies.

Often it feels as if adults are rewarded for ignoring or overcoming the signals from their bodies. The “hero” who comes to work with the flu or the mom who ignores her need for food or sleep. Health is maintained when you know the signals that suggest your body is out of balance and respond in a timely manner when your body indicates it needs something.

Help your kids identify when they’re cold or hungry or tired. You can say even to an infant, “You look hot, so I’m taking off the blanket.” Give your child some experience regulating his external environment like taking on and off sweaters. Educate your children that pain is there to keep them safe. Say, “Owies are no fun, but they’re there to keep you from burning yourself on the stove or cutting yourself with a knife. That’s how your body reminds you to be careful.”

4. Model healthy eating habits.

Childhood obesity is a growing problem. Talk with your kids about good food choices and bad ones. Encourage them to ask themselves,” What kind of food is my body hungry for right now?” and “Am I full?” even if there’s still food on the plate. Pay attention to see if your child is a grazer or a 3-squares-a-day kid and set an eating schedule that reflects their style. Decide whether its OK to indulge in unhealthy food choices now and then.

5. Reward health rather than illness.

Some of my best childhood memories come from times when I was sick. In an effort to ease my pain, my mother unwittingly rewarded illness by lavishing attention on me, delivering endless bowls of ice cream and playing games with me. Who wouldn’t want to be sick!

Instead, lavish attention on your kids when they’re well. While you don’t want to punish your kids for being sick, consider which privileges of health should be withdrawn during sick days. When you instill in your children a sense of pride, wonder and respect for their bodies, you have given them the foundation of health.

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Parents Can Teach Their Children To Live a Healthy Life.

6. Drink water not sodas.

Even if your kids don’t understand all of the reasons why too much sugar is bad for them right now, you can help them understand the basics about why the excess of sugar is bad for the human body.

For example, you can tell them that according to the American Heart Association (AHA), the sugar in soft drinks provides no nutrients. It also adds calories that can lead to weight problems. Water, on the other hand, is a vital resource that humans can’t live without.

7. Practice physical activities.

Not every child loves sports. Some of them may dread the PE class. But if they see you being active and find physical activities you and them enjoy, staying healthy and active becomes easy for both of you. They may be very likely to carry their love of these activities into adulthood just like you thought them.

Regular physical activity feeds the brain with water, glucose, and oxygen, which we all need for optimal performance. At the same time our body releases endorphins, the good hormones that promotes the “feeling better” sensation. That goes for both parents and kids.

8. Instill a positive attitude.

Help your kids develop healthy self-esteem and a positive mindset by teaching them they are lovable, capable, and unique, no matter what challenges they encounter in life. Because it’s easy for kids to get discouraged when things don’t go their way. Help them learn resilience when they experience setbacks by showing them the importance of staying positive and have faith.

9. Teach them the importance of valuable friendships.

Friendships are very important to the healthy development of children. Therefore, encourage your kids to develop a variety of friendships and to play with friends as often as possible. It will set them up with life full of skills for years to come. Because playing with good friends teaches kids valuable social skills such as communication, cooperation, and problem solving.

10. The love for the family.

Family is a long-lasting relationship that holds all the members together with the forces of love. Bonding does not happen overnight. Every second that you spend with your loved ones, bonds you to them. It is through a family that we learn the values of love, trust, hope, belief, culture, morals, tradition and every little matter that concerns us and the society we live in. Children need to learn the importance of family and how family helps in building a strong future. Children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child’s first relationship.

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Final thoughts about How Parents Can Teach Their Children To Live a Healthy Life.

As parents we can influence significantly our children’s behavior. This includes eating habits and physical activity. So, teaching your kids about how to live a healthy life is a must. Besides, reading with them, foster proper learning skills, instilling positivity and family values.

Zadi, xo

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(6) Comments

  1. Naomi Mom says:

    Great post with interesting tips about instilling in our kids the foundation for a healthy life. Childrens now a day don’t adopt healthy habits often. Therefore, obesity in children is on the rise.

  2. Thanks Naomi, I am glad it was helpful to you. Don’t forget to share it so it can reach other mommies.

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