How To Solve Baby Sleeping Problems With The Ferber Method.

How To Solve Baby Sleep Problems
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Nothing can prepare new parents for the mind-numbing weariness that comes with lack of sleep after having a baby. It takes a lot of work to establish good sleeping habits. One of the hardest things to learn for your baby is to fall asleep on their own. In this article, we are going to speak about the Ferber method and how this method could solve your baby sleeping problems fast. Ready? Let’s begin.

How To Solve Baby Sleeping Problems With The Ferber Method.

I firmly believe that parents need to reclaim their evenings. Babies and young children need to go to bed at a reasonable time so that you can enjoy some adult time (Even if that just means crashing out on the sofa in front of the TV) What you don’t want is to be running up and downstairs all evening in response to the baby monitor!

It may be tempting to rock a crying baby to sleep it may seem quicker but in the long run, you are not helping your baby to learn that sleep is something he needs to do alone.

If you establish a bedtime routine that you stick to every night and after several months your baby will still not fall asleep you might like to try the Ferber Method. Dr. Richard Ferber sets out a schedule that will gradually encourage your baby to sleep without you. This will include getting off to sleep in the first place but will have a knock-on effect if the baby wakes up during the night.

If you decide to try the Ferber Method choose a time when you can afford to lose some sleep. It will take a couple of weeks of hard work but the rewards will be long-term and permanent. Essentially the Ferber method encourages you to gradually wean your baby from falling asleep with a parent. It does involve listening to your baby cry, so steal yourself to this.

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So, what is the Ferber Method and how is done? 

  • The first night you put your baby to bed as usual (a calm bedtime routine is essential).
  • Baby should be sleepy but still awake when you put them down (You want him to fall asleep alone not in your arms).
  • You’ll leave the room.
  • When the baby starts to cry (as he or she inevitably will) sit it out for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes return to the bedroom and soothe your baby. You must not pick him up or rock him, just a gentle stroke or pat so that he knows you are close by.
  • Leave the room again and this time wait 10 minutes before you return.
  • Again soothe but do not pick him up.
  • Leave again and this time wait 15 minutes.

Make 15 minutes the maximum wait time for the rest of the night. Return to the bedroom soothe the baby and then leave. During any given moment of those 15 minutes, they will fall asleep by themselves.

  • On the second night start with a ten-minute wait and work up to 20 minutes.
  • On the third night start with 15 minutes and work up to 25.
  • Each night increase the times by 5 minutes.

These time intervals are not supposed to get smaller. If is to hard for you then stay close for reassurance, I know It can seem heartbreaking to listen to your baby cry. But you are close by, remember it’s a plan, not indifference.

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How To Solve Baby Sleeping Problems With The Ferber Method.

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Final thoughts about How To Solve Baby Sleeping Problems With The Ferber Method.

I used the Ferber method with my first son when he was a baby. By the time I came across Dr. Ferber’s book, I was desperate because my son used to cry a lot, all night every night. It was taking longer and longer every night to get him off to sleep but I wasn’t prepared for how hard it would be to leave my son to cry for a bit. Most times I was sitting outside the room crying too. My husband encouraged me to stick at it and I’m glad that we did. It did just take a couple of weeks to set up a pattern that lasted all through his childhood. I found that I could spend some enjoyable bedtimes, reading stories, etc., confident that when I said “goodnight” she would snuggle down and go to sleep without any fuss.

I hope this article is helpful to you. Share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe to our newsletter.

Zadi, xo

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(6) Comments

  1. Very interesting, I’ll try this method today. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you so much Lety, let me know how it goes.

  3. Learning of a different method to help all babies sleep like a baby is the greatest thing since combustion engines hahaha

  4. Indeed, for new parents this can be a life changer.

  5. Yes very true, it can be very stressful for everyone if the baby is uncomfortable and parents or the children can’t get enough sleep lol

  6. […] How To Solve Baby Sleeping Problems With The Ferber Method. […]

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