11 excellent tips for traveling with a baby.

11 tips to make your life easier when traveling with your baby
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It may sound impossible, but traveling with a baby does not have to be a nightmare! A little preparation and forward planning is all you need for a successful trip with your little human. In this post, I am going to give you important tips to keep in mind before your next trip when traveling with a baby. Ready? Let’s get started.

Tips for Traveling with a Baby.

1. Pack enough food, milk and snacks when traveling with a baby.

There are certain supplies that are essential for any trip with your baby. The most important, of course, is enough food and milk for the journey. Always pack more than you think you’ll need and include plenty of finger foods if your baby is old enough, these are great for helping to keep him occupied. If you are breastfeeding and need to express milk, you can store it in a cooler, with ice, for up to 24 hours. You can also store bottles of pre-made formula in the same way alternatively, you can add pre-measured powdered formula to the bottles, then top it up with cooled, boiled water as required.

Another option is to bring “ready to drink” cartons of formula. Whilst ideal for the journey itself, be aware that you may not be allowed to take these cartons with you into certain countries. Sealed containers of formula do not normally present a problem.

Solid foods can be packed into a cooler, although a better idea is to bring foods with you that you can easily prepare during the journey. Avocado pears and bananas are good examples, as they can be simply peeled, mashed and served to your baby at room temperature.

2. Consider bringing a baby carrier, and carry your baby for as long as you can.

Traveling around with a baby can be exhausting. However, traveling with a baby carrier, can be less stressful and complicated if at the airport you need to show documents, filled out forms etc. Organize all your essential documents in one place to have easy access while moving around with the baby.

3. Consider bringing a backpack instead of a diaper bag when traveling with a baby.

A back pack is easy to be carried, and can hold a lot more items.

4. What to choose, window or aisle if traveling on airplane.

When baby is still small and not walking, you can get a window seat. By the time you’ve got a baby that walks, the aisle is where it’s easiest to facilitate movement in case you need to take long flights.

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5. Bring your own utensils, bottles and bowls when traveling with a baby.

Always bring your own feeding bowls and utensils when travelling with baby, many eating establishments do not have cutlery appropriate for an infant’s use. A travel high chair is incredibly useful too because you’ll be able to comfortably feed your baby wherever you go. Disposable bibs, or a wipe-clean plastic bib, can be very convenient when travelling and they certainly cut down on the laundry!

If you ask for food or milk to be warmed for you, be VERY careful to check the temperature on its return. Busy waiters or cabin crew may overheat the food and you will need to wait for it to cool down. With this in mind, ask for any food or milk to be warmed well before you’re actually going to need it!

6. What do you need to sterilize bottles?

feeding equipment when travelling with baby. There are many products available to assist with this, from microwave sterilizer bags to disposable bottle liners. Most stores dealing with infant feeding equipment will offer a range of travelling accessories such as these.

7. Other essentials that you need when traveling with a baby.

Other essential items for your trip will include nappies/diapers and scented diaper bags. If you’re heading to a warm destination, adequate sun protection is a must! Also, consider bringing a small nightlight, if you’re breastfeeding, it can be very useful in a dark, unfamiliar hotel room.

8. Don’t forget bringing comforting items that your baby associates with calm and sleeping.

To help your baby cope with the trip and to reassure him in new surroundings, be sure to bring his favorite blanket. This can also serve as a handy “curtain” to shield an airplane sky cot/bassinet from the light, or for naps in his stroller when out and about.

9. Bring your baby’s favorite toys, include wrapped toys, or other activities.

Distraction is essential for a pleasant trip with a baby. For this, bringing their favorite toys is a must. Prepare a bag with toys that your baby has used before and that you know he likes. Also consider packing other wrapped new toys and other activities as well in that bag. Start using those toys only when the baby get’s cranky or irritable.

10. Avoid booking trips that are longer than 6 hours.

For babies, as for adults, sitting for long hours is not only unhealthy, but also tiring. Therefore, planning trips that are not that long can be a good option. If you must or want to travel greater distances, and therefore longer trips, consider planning multiple breaks if traveling in car or layovers in case of trips by plane. And book the trips around the times that your baby sleeps.

11. Check weather of your heading destination, and dress your baby appropriately.

Dress your baby in light layers when travelling, not only does this make it easier to cope with fluctuating temperatures, but if your baby spills his food, for example, you can easily remove the top layer of clothing. Bring a change of clothes for yourself too, just in case you need it. Baby’s mess tends to have a habit of transferring itself to his parents!

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Final thoughts about traveling with a baby.

Whether you travel by airplane, automobile, or train, the great take away from this post is to be prepared. Plan ahead of time, pack well, and schedule wisely. Children will look forward to trips if you make them child friendly and full of adventures. When traveling with a baby is very important keep in mind the age and needs of your little traveling companion, and get prepared accordingly.

I hope this post give you some ideas. Stay tuned for more helpful posts like this one. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you next time.

For more useful tips about flying with a baby or toddler, visit this link. 

Zadi, xo.

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(11) Comments

  1. Traveling with a baby or kids is definitely never going to be a dull moment, they would definitely be enjoying themselves but following these tips would definitely make it so that the parents could also have their piece of the fun hahaha. I really liked the ideas that you have provided for this Zadi, thank you for sharing lol

  2. Thanks so much dear. It’s always a good thing to be able to give a parent some tips. I remember when my kids were very small, I was always petrified to travel with them. I wish I had these tips back then.

  3. That is so true, you made a very good point, by having this information out there, parents of today now have the advantage of approaching these types of matters differently than they otherwise would have seen things, and this is made possible ironically because of the fact that you had to learn these things each step of the way, and saw it fit to share your experience so that, as time goes on, people become more aware of these aspecst and do not have to be too intimidted or petrified. That’s is very good my firend <3 <3

  4. […] 11 excellent tips for traveling with a baby. […]

  5. […] 11 excellent tips for traveling with a baby. […]

  6. Susanne says:

    Beautiful post with helpful information.

  7. Thank you so much, I am glad it was helpful to you. Don’t forget to share it so it can reach other mommies.

  8. […] 11 excellent tips for traveling with a baby. […]

  9. […] 11 excellent tips for traveling with a baby. […]

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  11. […] 11 excellent tips for traveling with a baby. […]

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