How to prepare your kids to a successful life.

How to set your kids to a life of success.
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It is well known that the life we follow as adults greatly depends on the skills and interests we learned when we were children. Studies have shown that the vast majority of skills are learned as early as the age of seven. Therefore, as a mother and as a professional, it has always been essential for me to help and foster skills in my children that will help both of them to have success in life. In this post, I will give you ten important tips that will set and prepare your kids for a successful life as adults. Ready? Let’s get started!

How to prepare your kids to a successful life.

1. Be a mentor and a role model.

Our children watch and copy our behavior. Therefore, there are skills that we must show and teach them, that are extremely important to achieve success in life.

Among the best skills to teach our children at a very young age are: perseverance, teamwork, respect, motivation, positivity.

Children also collect our emotions like sponges, being a focused adult, with a positive, happy and less stressed attitude will allow them to develop a confident and secure attitude as well.

2. Teach them about being healthy.

Taking care of our bodies and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important for a life of success. Finding a balance between eating healthy, to nourish our body, and proper physical activity are important habits to nourish from a young age.

3. Teach them to be bilingual if you can.

If you know a second language, teaching it to your children, this is a fundamental step to set their life to success. Learning a second language at an early age has many benefits, not only social but physical (in their brain). Through the learning of a second language an increase in the density of gray matter in the brain occurs. Gray matter density is associated with language, memory, and attention improvement.

4. Nourish a learning environment, the development of reading, writing and math skills for a life of success.

Developing the ability to read and write at a young age is going to set your kids to a life of success. The reading introduces new ideas and initiates curiosity and creativity. When you read, you have more time to think. Reading gives you an unique ability for developing comprehension, critical thinking and insight.

At the same time, having the ability to put your thoughts on paper, enhances self-expression and nurtures your individuality as a human being. Some experts believe that writing encourages the learning of math and science concepts by enhancing the brain’s intake, processing, retaining, and retrieving of information.

Fostering a desire to learn in general is going to be essential to set your kids for success in life. A large percentage of the most successful people in the world have in common the reading of several books every month, besides the fact that, they love to learn different skills and implement them. Learning mathematics is also essential to encourage that side of business they may have.

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How to prepare your kids to a successful life.

5. Teach them the importance of meaningful relationships.

Not only with parents, but in general, with family and friends. Love, in my opinion, can’t be left out of the equation for setting your kids for a life of success.

Having meaningful relationships is essential for children’s growth and psychological well-being. It is proven that children who don’t have meaningful relationships tend to perform poorly in school, are more likely to get in trouble with the law, and often develop psychiatric disorders, or mental problems later on in life.

Foster the family time together, as well as teaching your kids the importance of having healthy relationships with friends and classmates.

My latest video.

6. Learn how to praise correctly your children to set them for success.

As parents, we sometimes praise our children in a wrong way, not on purpose, of course. But driven by the love we feel for them.

Here is the right way to do it. Praise your kids for their hard work and effort instead of telling them they are smart or talented.

This means that, we are all born with different talents or abilities that we probably inherit from our parents, this is related to a fixed mindset that talks about our talents. Instead, there is another type of mindset that refers to growth, and that is the one that says that, even when we do not have a certain ability, skill or talent to do something, we can learn and perfect it overtime. This is called a growth mindset according to the book called Mindset from Carol Dweck.

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7. Nourish their communication skills.

The skill to express thoughts, feelings, and information is critical. Effective communication skills as an individual enables your child to more easily achieve the things they wants from life. Despite the obvious advantages of this skill, very few parents actively encourage good communication skills in their children, particularly the ones that are useful when speaking to groups or public audiences.

To develop communication skills from a young age you can: Help develop their vocabulary through reading, games, or writing. Help them overcome their fears, speak up, and develop the ability to speak in front of other people.

8. Give them space to growth and express themselves.

Creating a healthy and learning environment where our children can express themselves, without being judged, is essential for them to grow up with confidence. In addition to allowing them to discover what they are good at. Give them the opportunity to practice a bit of everything like sports, painting, music, etc. to set them for success.

9. Set your expectations.

Studies have proven that setting high expectations for your children will set them for success. From an early age you must make it clear for them that your aspirations when it comes to their future is very important to you, making it easier for them to be more inclined to study and to be more responsible. And on the other hand, guided by your own desire to see your children have a successful life, you are going to do everything possible to lead them on the path of good, emotionally and financially guiding them to success.

Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics discovered that parent’s expectations predict their child’s success in school and life in general.

10. Assign chores.

Doing chores, they will hate you for it, but is OK. By doing chores, our children will learn the clear concept of responsibility, an ability that without it, they will not go far in life, no matter how smart they are.

Whether it’s taking out the trash, helping to put the washed clothes in their drawers, bathing the pet, washing their dishes. Anything that allows them to see that life requires organization, and responsibility to be successful.

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Final thoughts about How to prepare your kids to a successful life.

Here you have all the things that seem important to me to set your kids for a life of success. It is a difficult path, but totally possible. As the saying goes, everything starts at home. In order to be successful, your child needs emotional intelligence to be confident, they needs to learn to be disciplined and responsible, in addition to developing values that will allow them to solve problems, work as a team, and be entrepreneur. Abilities like being studious and persevering will take them even further on the road to success.

If you find this post helpful, share it with other parents. As usual, thank you for reading, and I’ll see you next time.

Zadi, xo.

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(10) Comments

  1. Hello my friend. I wanted to come by today and check-out your work and can honestly say that it was more than I anticipated as usual hahaha.

    It was very very good to read and check-out what you had to say on this topic and many of the others that you have done my friend <3 <3

  2. This was a great read! I really appreciated the reminder that expectations are GOOD for kids. Very frequently, my husband and I ask ourselves if our expectations are too high, so that was interesting to read – might have to try to find the UCLA research that you were referring to! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. I think that a lot of parents have issues setting expectations and telling theirs children what those expectations are, but I think that a key factor to impulse our kids to success.

  4. […] How to set your kids to a life of success. […]

  5. […] How to set your kids to a life of success. […]

  6. […] How to set your kids to a life of success. […]

  7. […] How to set your kids to a life of success. […]

  8. […] How to prepare your kids to a successful life. […]

  9. Naomi says:

    Excellent tips to raise our kids to be successful. Thank you so much dear. I’ll be visiting your blog more often now.

  10. Thanks

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