Boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

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The first months of a baby’s life are the most important for brain development. Especially between 3 and 12 months of life. Regardless that each baby is born and is going to develop in a way that is inherited in his DNA, there are activities that can do to produce an accelerated and maximum development to exploit the full potential of a baby’s brain. In this article, I am going to give you the 10 activities that will help you boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

The main reason why the stage from 3 to 12 months of a baby’s life is the most important for a baby’s brain is that there are many neuronal connections that are developing at this time. At this stage, the different behaviors of your baby begin to be reflected. Such as a strong emotional attachment to you, or to the other people who take care of him regularly. To cry when you leave the room or when someone strangers approach. Or cry when he wants to change of activity or want to reach a toy that is out of reach. At this time your baby is also becoming more interested in the world around him. They are more curious, creative and adventurous. And also they start expanding their abilities to communicate emotions and desires while developing other skills such as grasping, rolling over. sitting up etc.

Therefore, I will give you a list of the activities that will help strengthen these neural connections and will cause boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

1. Proper environment.

Provide a safe but stimulating environment where your baby can easily explore.

A safe environment must be free of

  • Open doors, windows or balconies.
  • Sharp objects.
  • Toxic liquids within reach of the baby.
  • Cigarettes or alcohol within reach of the baby.
  • Makeup or medications within reach of the baby.
  • Decorative objects away from the baby.
  • Hot objects such as a stove or irons away from the baby.
  • Electric outlets properly covered by plastic caps.
  • Proper gates covering stairs Etc.

Within this safe environment, this is how a stimulating environment should look like:

  • Room clean and free of clutter, with plenty of open and safe space appropriate for exploration.
  • A room as comfortable as possible,  Examples: Appropriate temperature, area rugs with fluffy textures for softness, etc..
  • Provides to your baby a variety of age appropriates toys with different colors, sizes, and textures.
  • Books, puzzles and other age-appropriate learning materials that your baby can have easy access to.

2. Love, the universal language.

This one is a big one, at least I think it has a great impact on your baby’s brain in the first years, and even beyond that. Give your baby consistent and warm physical contact. Small gestures such as hugs, kisses, simply skin-to-skin, body-to-body contact, baby massages, etc. will establish in the brain of your baby a sense of security and general well-being.

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3. Affection and care.

Be attentive to the different moods of your baby, and respond appropriately to the signals when he is upset, or when he is happy. Being receptive and addressing the different moods of your baby also sends to his brain a signal of well-being, belonging, security and love.

4. Makes communication a priority.

Talk and sing to your baby during daily life activities such as bathing, dressing, feeding, playing, etc.. Even if your baby does not understand everything about language yet, sooner rather than later he will begin to understand it. Contact the pediatrician if at the age of 6 months your baby does not imitate sounds, or seems to listen well.

5. Reading.

Read books to your baby every day, not only will he love the sound of your voice and the bonding time with you, but this will also provide a strengthening in the neuronal cells and a complete learning experience coming from hearing, sight, and language.

6. A second language.

If you speak a second language, the perfect time to practice this language is at home, and particularly during this stage your baby will absorb and adopt this language as his own, so talk, talk, talk.

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10 activities to boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

7. Dance is important to boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

It may sound strange, but through dancing your baby will also learn, and there will be a deep stimulation of your baby’s brain. How? let me explain.
Through a good song, things like audition, rhythm, sight, movement, coordination are practiced, in addition to producing a feeling of happiness and euphoria, besides the special bonding time with your baby. So, incorporating dance into the activities, to produce a boost your baby’s brain growth and development is an excellent idea to help him and have some fun at the same time, a win-win situation for everyone.

8. Foster interpersonal skills.

This is the perfect stage to introduce in the life of your baby other babies of their age and their parents or people outside the family in general. The process of meeting new people helps and reinforces the ability to adapt, share, listen and learn from others. The ability to develop interpersonal skills should definitely be part of this development time.

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9. Keep your baby away from negativity, and toxic emotions.

Create an environment of love, and also prioritize that the people who take care of your baby also continue with the same care, affection, responsiveness, nourishment, educational, and safe environment that you have already established. Keep in mind that negative feelings or emotions at this stage might have a negative impact on the development of your baby at the neuronal level, that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

10. Encourage movement to boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

By encouraging your child to play, reach for objects, provide him with blocks, or other toys that stimulate eye-hand coordination you will be encouraging the development of fine and gross motor skills, an essential part of your baby’s brain growth and development.

Related posts you might like to read after

Infant developmental milestones. 4 to 7 months.

Baby sleep training. The complete guide.

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Normal child development by 18 months.

Final thoughts about how to boost your baby’s brain growth and development.

Babies at this stage are very sensitive but they learn fast. They are discovering the world, and what’s better than with the proper care provided by you. Keeping your baby engage in a safe and healthy environment will be crucial, as well as keeping him away from negative situations and emotions.

Combined with all these activities, to achieve a boost in your baby’s brain growth and development., you should provide your baby with nutritious food and age-appropriate hours of rest and sleep, to achieve not only the development of the brain but the normal growth of a healthy child.

If you have any questions, it is always advisable to speak with the pediatrician right away.

If you liked this article, leave me your comment below, and tell me which of these points you intend to implement in your baby’s life.

Zadi, xo


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(13) Comments

  1. Hi <3 <3, this is some great stuff you have up here as always Zadi. It is particularly great to see what you had to say about the brain development of babies because their brain is intrinsic to their overall health lol

  2. Hi love

  3. hahaha yes Zadi, I hope that the year for you and yours is going great so far darling

  4. I also like the new slide that features the blog post that you implemented at the top fo the sie on the home page — I don’t think i have noticed it before. That is excellent for navigation lol

  5. Ah thanks dear ?

  6. hey no problem Zadi, it is always a pleasure <3 😀

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