Fetal kick counts are a simple, easy and free method you may use at home to keep track of your baby’s health once you reach your third trimester. In this article I’ll give you an easy guide with everything …

A pregnancy, Motherhood and Lifestyle Blog
Fetal kick counts are a simple, easy and free method you may use at home to keep track of your baby’s health once you reach your third trimester. In this article I’ll give you an easy guide with everything …
It’s true that giving birth naturally is a wonderful and an empowering experience, but it’s also not as simple as we all want it to be. Therefore, preparing your body for the big day might take a lot of …
One of the organs that plays a fundamental role in procreation is the ovaries. The ovaries are small, almond-shaped organs that lie on each side of the uterus, held in place by a ligament. The ovaries normally measure 3 …
The uterus is one of the fundamental organs during reproduction. It is the organ where a fetus grows and develops. The uterus in its usual size measures approximately 7 cm if there are no fibroids or other medical conditions. …
Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is one of the most normal symptoms that any woman will experience during her months of gestation. In fact, vaginal discharge is one of the first symptoms that appears in early pregnancy, and it will …
Chorionic villus sampling, also known as CVS, is a test that can diagnose chromosome abnormalities in addition to other inherited illnesses. Your physician may advise you to have this test if either you or your spouse comes from a …
The sonographic appearance of a collection of fluid under the skin behind the fetal neck in the first trimester of pregnancy is referred to as nuchal translucency or NT. The thickness of the NT is shown to be increased …
Having a baby involves a lot of planning and anticipation. We must admit that some of these ideas are downright terrifying. If the mere thought of prenatal screening tests causes you to feel anxious, believe me when I say, …
Amniocentesis is a diagnostic test done during pregnancy to rule out genetic or chromosomal diseases, it is performed in the event that the results of your triple genetic test come back abnormal. If you are looking for information about …
Congratulations! You’re pregnant. Therefore, you had just begun the most beautiful stage in the life of every woman. During this time there are probably a million questions in your head related to your pregnancy or baby. Worry not, because …
The Biophysical profile is a non-invasive test usually done after 32 weeks, however a BPP can be done at any time after 24th weeks of pregnancy. This diagnostic test helps evaluate the well-being of the baby. It assesses the …
Did you know that approximately 25% of couples experience fertility challenges or suffer with unexplained Infertility? In this article I am going to explain everything you need to know about Unexplained Infertility, along with important tips that will help …
The third trimester will not only make you feel more tired, but it will also make you feel excited about the arrival of your baby. In this article I’ll give you an overview of your Third trimester baby developmental …
If you started the second trimester of pregnancy, trimester in which you will feel more energetic, happier and more radiant than ever before, congratulations. The chance of a miscarriage drops drastically after this time, that alone is good news. …
First of all, let me congratulate you, because if you are reading this article you are probably pregnant or trying to be soon. During the first nine months of life, a baby grows and develops tremendously, in a matter …
The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ that is located in a woman’s lower abdomen, between the bladder and the rectum. Is one of the most important organs in fertility because it carries and nurture your baby for 9 …
Many early indicators of pregnancy are nonspecific and might be misinterpreted. As a result, deciding when or not to take a pregnancy test might be challenging. That’s why in this article I’ve compiled a list of 11 signs of …
A positive urine pregnancy test can make you feel a lot of different things! For many women pregnancy can be exciting, but for many others, pregnancy can also bring fears and anxiety about pregnancy and motherhood in general. Pregnant …
Leg cramps during pregnancy are one of the many strange aches and symptoms that comes with it. Leg cramps can appear out of nowhere, stopping you suddenly or even waking you up in the middle of the night. And …
Round ligament pain is one of those unpleasant symptoms that will accompany you during almost the entire pregnancy, mainly during the second and third trimesters. Unfortunately there is no treatment, but there are definitely things you can do to …
Smoking is a behavior recognized to be extremely dangerous to the person itself as well as for those around them through the secondhand smoke. Even after learning this fact, millions battle to quit it and fight various physical as …
Drinking too much alcohol can cause a variety of health issues, from the possibility of having a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, an increased risk of fetal loss or stillbirth, and a lower likelihood of a live birth …
Vaginal yeast infection is a frequent genital fungal illness. It produces vaginal discharge, discomfort, itching, and inflammation. It can affect both men and women. A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast species called Candida on …
Are you one of those women that every month during your period can’t work, exercise or carry a normal life due to debilitating menstrual cramps? If your answer is yes, let me tell you that this condition is known …
If you are pregnant or planning to be you’re probably concerned about the impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on you and your developing baby. You might be asking yourself if covid vaccine is safe during pregnancy. So, here’s what …
One of the most fascinating aspects of pregnancy is how your body begins to prepare right away. Your breasts are changing and perhaps getting more sensitive or uncomfortable, even when it’s too early to take a test and long …
Twins are a kind of multiple pregnancy when a woman gives birth to more than one baby at the same time. Twins occur when more than one egg is fertilized or when the same egg is fertilized more than …
Thinking of creating a family or growing the one you already have? Bringing a baby into the family is always a very important decision that should not be taken lightly. In this article I have compiled the most important …
Do you feel frustrated when you see that your children spend a super long time to perform a few tasks, or activities? If your answer is yes, in this article I am going to give you some important tips …
Are you a mom hosting a Thanksgiving party this year? If so, have you thought about making sure that you enjoy yourself? Unfortunately, when it comes to hosting a party, such as a Thanksgiving party, there are many party …
As a mother, I know that grades are not everything, but it can’t be denied that they are a fundamental part of our children’s education and success in life. From elementary school all the way to high school. To …
If you’re pregnant, is very possible that you’ve heard about postpartum depression. But did you know that many women also experience depression during pregnancy?. Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life when several physical and emotional changes are …
If you’re a new Mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about doing so in public. Or perhaps you are disturbed by reports of women who are being harassed for breastfeeding in public. Here you have …
How can two or three children in the same family be so different? They are brought up in the same broad social environment, under a similar set of rules and an identical family value system. They also come from …
It is essential that you take care when preparing foods and avoid doing certain things when pregnant. This is due to your baby’s immune system not being sufficiently developed to fight any infection you may pass to it whilst …
There are just as many parenting styles as there are a number of parents. Experts believe the parenting styles fall into 4 different and identifiable styles: authoritarian, indulgent, authoritative, and uninvolved. The following article offers some insight to those …
Nothing can prepare new parents for the mind-numbing weariness that comes with lack of sleep after having a baby. It takes a lot of work to establish good sleeping habits. One of the hardest things to learn for your …
Your toddler may think that he or she’s a complete superhero when it comes to language acquisition, and its actually true! In particular, compared to adult language learners. As easy as acquiring multiple languages is for small children, the single …
The trauma of losing a baby is a difficult time for any couple, but especially for the new mom-to-be. After miscarriage and other forms of pregnancy loss, most couples have many questions that need to be answered. Many people …
Increased parental involvement provides the best foundation for a successful start to the school year. Back-to-school offers an opportunity for parents to get to know their children’s teachers and to be involved in their education all year-round, said Reg …
Believe it or not, you impart a legacy of health to your children that goes well beyond the genes you give them. You also pass along health beliefs and model health-related choices. Here you have 10 Ways Parents Can …
Are you a mom of a child that you love deeply but misbehaves on a daily basis? Do you know what’s the best way to discipline your child? If you are not sure about your answer keep reading because …
It is well known that most women who get pregnant beyond the age of 35 may have a higher risk of having children who have mental retardation or have Down Syndrome, among others. However, is important to remember that …
Premenstrual symptoms or PMS symptoms was once dismissed as something that was just in our heads, but premenstrual syndrome is finally acknowledged as a real disorder. PMS affects women in different ways making us edgy, emotional, crampy or bloated. …
When you go to a fertility doctor or clinic, they will more than likely begin by doing some basic diagnostic blood work and testing. One of the first tests typically performed is a Hysterosalpingogram or HSG. While you have …
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a new baby! Now, on to the serious stuff. You need to get yourself prepared for your new baby and you will need to adjust your house and car for the new …
The term infertility refers to the abnormal incapacity to produce children by natural means of conception. It also refers to the incapability of a woman to go through the entire course of pregnancy. Several couples throughout the world strive …
Twins are two babies who have shared the same womb at the same time. They may also have come from the same egg. Thanks to the advances in fertility and science, there are more twins today than any other …
Weight loss following pregnancy is something all new mothers look forward to with anticipation. For some women might be easy, but for others, the baby fat is a bit more difficult to shed. Each woman is different and there …
Child safety devices are available at hardware stores, baby equipment shops, supermarkets, drug stores, home and linen stores, and through mail order catalogues. As a parent, one of the most important task you will have is to keep safe …
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