Planning To Quit Smoking for A Healthy Pregnancy? 9 Tips to Ease the Journey.

9 tips that will help to quit smoking to achieve a healthy pregnancy
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Smoking is a behavior recognized to be extremely dangerous to the person itself as well as for those around them through the secondhand smoke. Even after learning this fact, millions battle to quit it and fight various physical as well as psychological impulses to defeat it. Giving up this harmful habit is the best thing you can do for yourself and for your baby if you’re planning to conceive, but because quitting is not an easy thing to do, this post will give you 9 helpful Tips to Quit Smoking for a Healthy Pregnancy. Ready? Let’s begin.

Before we dive right into it, let’s review some facts about smoking.

Currently among adults the prevalence of current tobacco smoking has been estimated as 14 percent (24.3 percent in males and 2.9 percent in females).

Smoking’s negative effects on women.

In comparison to their male counterparts, women are known to have a higher risk of cancer and other ailments. Women who smoke cigarettes have a 25% higher risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) than men, regardless of any cardiovascular risk factors.

  • Smoking has a substantial impact on a woman’s fertility, capacity to become pregnant, and the unborn fetus. It is proven that women who smoke have a harder time getting pregnant and have a larger chance of never getting pregnant at all.
  • Smoking during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby’s tissue, especially in the lungs and brain.
  •  Some research reveals a link between maternal smoking and cleft lip, a disease in which a newborn’s upper lip is split in half.
  • Studies have also found a link between smoking and miscarriage. Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, which can prevent a developing fetus from getting adequate oxygen. Tobacco smoke carries additional toxins that are harmful to unborn children. The baby may be born prematurely or succumb to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • It is preferable to stop smoking before becoming pregnant. If the woman is already pregnant, though, stopping can help her and her child avoid health concerns. It’s never too late to give up cigarettes!
  • When it comes to quitting, women confront distinct hurdles. Certain variables may make this more difficult for them.

For many smokers, negative feelings are significant triggers, and some women are particularly sensitive to them. This means that being worried or upset can make quitting and staying quit more difficult. Learning how to deal with these situations without smoking and developing a strategy ahead of time can help you stay on track.

Some women are concerned about gaining weight as a result of stopping smoking. Instead of stressing about prospective weight gain, they should concentrate on other essential health benefits such as clear skin, improved appearance, and good health.

9 tips that will help to quit smoking to achieve a healthy pregnancy

So, let’s get right into the 9 Tips to Quit Smoking for a Healthy Pregnancy.

1. First things first, tell your loved ones you’re quitting for good.

Someone who feels supported is more likely to successfully quit smoking. Friends, family members, and significant others can all play a role in helping someone quit smoking. That’s why having support from family and friends is crucial and might make a huge difference when it comes to stopping smoking.

2. Remove any tobacco-related items from your surroundings.

Seeing cigarettes, lighters, cases, and other smoking-related items all the time can make you crave a cigarette. It may be beneficial to keep things out of sight. Get rid for good of all the things that might trigger your cravings for a cigarette once again.

3. Learn how to deal with the cravings appropriately.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to dodge all of your triggers, mainly in the first week after quitting. It takes experience to learn how to deal with them. When a need arises, it’s critical to have a strategy in place to combat the urge to smoke.

Cravings are uncomfortable, but they don’t last forever, usually the desire to smoke usually passes in 3 to 5 minutes. Give yourself time and be patience. However, having a strategy can help you get through it. Here are a few things to try when a craving hit you.

  • Review your reasons to quit smoking. Remind yourself why you want to quit in the first place, reminding yourself about your desires of getting pregnant can be a good start and a powerful motivator to keep you smokefree.
  • Call or text someone. You don’t have to do this alone. Learn how to lean on people you trust and love. As we discuss before the support from your loved ones is crucial in this process.
  • Keep your mouth busy. Chew a stick of gum instead of picking up a cigarette. Keep hard candy with you all the time.
  • Do something else. When a craving hits, stop what you’re doing immediately and switch to doing something different you might love or enjoy more. Simply changing your routine might help you shake off a craving.
  • Take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, repeat this exercise 10 times or until you’re feeling more relaxed.

4. Keeping stress under control is important and Meditation can be a powerful ally.

While further research is needed, some very interesting discoveries have been made about regular meditation and the reduction of chronic stress. According to new research, daily meditation practice may help to induce calm, reduce depression, improve sleep, manage pain, and reduce emotional reactivity.

The best thing about meditation is that you don’t have to be a yogi master to begin practicing it, in fact, you don’t even have to leave your house! There are also many other styles of meditation to choose from, such as mindfulness, mantra, guided meditation, and tai chi, so you can find one that suits you and your personality.

How to start Meditating for beginners.

It’s really as simple as one, two, three if you’re seeking for a strategy to relieve tension that’s contributing to your cigarette cravings:

  • Find a quiet location: Make sure you’re comfortable and calm, whether it’s in your bed, on a couch, or on a yoga mat.
  • Focus on your breath and concentration: To help you focus and clear your thoughts, use your breathing, a word, or an image. Don’t worry if your mind strays at first; meditation is like any new talent, requires practice. Simply attempt to bring your thoughts back to you whenever you see them drifting away. This should become less common with time.
  • Keep an open mind: Whatever happens during your meditation practice, do your best to remain open and unconcerned about how “excellent” you are at it. After all, the goal of meditation is to reduce tension and anxiety, not to increase it!

Whatever way you choose to help you cope with the stress of quitting smoking; the most important thing is that you discover something that works for you. And don’t worry: the worst of your cravings will only last a few days to a few weeks after you’ve quit smoking!

5. Keep a healthy lifestyle.

Most people who want to quit smoking is unaware of the importance of including a healthy lifestyle in their efforts is a most. The truth is that by making tiny changes to your food and exercise habits, you can more simply and rapidly overcome your physical and psychological addiction. In general, you should take full use of anything that can assist you. A nutritious diet will help you cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms more effectively. Simultaneously, you will be less likely to experience anxiety and bad moods, both of which have been linked to the desire to smoke.


Whole grains and brown rice, which are strong in nutritious complex carbs, can offer you energy and help you maintain a positive attitude. Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids contained in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds have been shown to promote brain health and alleviate depressive symptoms. Healthy protein-rich foods will keep you focused and healthy. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. They are the primary sources of vitamins and minerals that help you feel better physically and mentally.

Drink plenty of water.

Make sure you drink plenty of water. This will aid in the removal of all tobacco poisons, including nicotine, from your body. This will not only help you feel better physically, but it will also help you gain more energy. It will also make your desires for cigarettes less intense and less frequent. Every time you feel like lighting up a cigarette, doctors recommend drinking a glass of pure water.


Physical activity is also essential for successfully quitting smoking. It can also help you deal with cravings and drain toxins out of your body through sweat. Furthermore, when you are physically engaged, your mind will be preoccupied with something other than getting a smoke. It is critical to participate in a physical activity that you enjoy and find enjoyable. It is also critical to be physically active for at least half an hour each day. If you can’t attend yoga classes every day, for example, you can go for short walks, do some office exercises, and make it a point to climb the stairs every day.

Find and implement stress-relieving techniques that are beneficial for you. One of the most common smoking triggers is stress. You feel more comfortable and confident after smoking a cigarette. You can’t do it anymore, therefore you’ll have to find another way. There are numerous alternatives to choose from.

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6. Make use of technology and Tobacco cessation programs.

There are numerous reliable websites and apps available to assist you with quitting smoking. Use them to assist you in quitting. They show you how to plan ahead and strategize to help you quit smoking. The programs offer daily ideas, information, and support to assist you in quitting smoking and remaining tobacco-free. Also consider enrolling in a reputable program guided by qualified professionals to assist you in quitting.

7. Change your focus.

Mainly during the first weeks and/or those moments of craving. Try distracting yourself by assisting a friend, family member, or coworker. This shifts your focus away from yourself and how you’re feeling and toward another person’s needs. It can be a good strategy to deal with a craving until it goes away. Furthermore, doing nice deeds might have health benefits, such as stress reduction. Stress management is an important element of stopping smoking.

8. If everything else is failing, consider Prescriptions.

To help with withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings, many patients take quit smoking drugs. Quit smoking drugs have been shown to increase your chances of successfully quitting smoking. The Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) family of quit smoking drugs is the most widely utilized. NRT alleviates withdrawal symptoms by delivering a tiny dose of nicotine in a controlled manner without the other harmful substances included in cigarettes. This modest dose of nicotine helps to fulfill your nicotine cravings while also decreasing your desire to smoke.

NRT, according to doctors and other medical professionals, is one of the most effective quit smoking aids available. Mild to moderate adverse effects can occur in certain smokers. NRT, on the other hand, has been proven to be both safe and effective in clinical trials. Almost every smoker’s quitting strategy should include NRT.

NRT is available in a number of different forms and is utilized in a variety of ways. You have the option of selecting your preferred form. Some people respond to some NRT products better than others. Certain NRT items may appeal to some people more than others.

Many medications, including as nicotine patches, Varnecline, and Bupripion, can help lessen cravings. These, on the other hand, can only be taken with an RMP’s prescription. Furthermore, most cannot be taken by women who are pregnant.

NRT Types How to Get Them How to Use Them
Patch Over the Counter Place on the skin

Gives a small and steady amount of nicotine

Gum Over the Counter Chew to release nicotine

Chew until you get a tingling feeling, then place between cheek and gums

Lozenge Over the Counter Place in the mouth like hard candy

Releases nicotine as it slowly dissolves in the mouth

Inhaler Prescription Cartridge attached to a mouthpiece

Inhaling through the mouthpiece gives a specific amount of nicotine

Nasal Spray Prescription Pump bottle containing nicotine

Put into nose and spray

9. And finally, remember don’t give up!!!

Make every effort to resist the impulse to smoke. Continue experimenting until you find something that works for you. Simply put, don’t smoke. There wasn’t even a puff. As a result, being aware of the dangers and working toward this seemingly unachievable goal will be beneficial. Maintain your fortitude. It’s possible, you got this!

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Final thoughts about the Tips to Quit Smoking for a Healthy Pregnancy.

Nicotine is the addictive ingredient in cigarettes and other tobacco products. Nicotine is a substance that has a wide range of effects on your body, therefore your brain is not the exception. Your body and brain become accustomed to having nicotine in them over time. Around 80% to 90% of people who smoke on a regular basis are addicted to nicotine. When you stop smoking, your body must adjust to life without nicotine. For that reason, withdrawal can be a painful experience.

Some common symptoms include a desire for cigarettes, feelings of sadness or irritability, and difficulty sleeping. Some say it feels like they have a slight case of the flu. The severe symptoms usually last a few days to a few weeks for most people. Managing withdrawal symptoms will make you feel better and prepare you for the difficult times ahead.

The good news is that It’s Possible to Prepare for Withdrawal: The first week after quitting, withdrawal symptoms are frequently the most intense. Many people dislike how withdrawal makes them feel. As a result, some people resume smoking in order to feel better. You’re most vulnerable to relapse in the first week after quitting. Being prepared and knowing what to expect will help you stay smoke-free during your quit attempt.  I hope these 9 tips we discuss here today helps you to quit and face the withdrawal period successfully before getting pregnant.

Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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(6) Comments

  1. Emma V. says:

    Quitting smoking is never easy but is the best thing one can do for a healthy pregnancy. Outstanding information as usual. Good tips to follow as well.

  2. Indeed, thanks Emma

  3. […] Planning To Quit Smoking for A Healthy Pregnancy? 9 Tips to Ease the Journey. […]

  4. […] Planning To Quit Smoking for A Healthy Pregnancy? 9 Tips to Ease the Journey. […]

  5. […] Planning To Quit Smoking for A Healthy Pregnancy? 9 Tips to Ease the Journey. […]

  6. […] lifestyle during pregnancy, including a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs during pregnancy, as they can harm your […]

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