Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: What to Do.

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: What to Do.
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Leg cramps during pregnancy are one of the many strange aches and symptoms that comes with it. Leg cramps can appear out of nowhere, stopping you suddenly or even waking you up in the middle of the night. And we all know how valuable sleep is, mainly during pregnancy. Here’s why you could be having them, what you can do to relieve the discomfort right now, how to reduce the chances of having to deal with them again in the future and when to be concerned. In this article we are talking about Leg Cramps During Pregnancy and everything you need to know about it. Ready? Let’s begin.

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: What to Do.

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: Are They Normal?

The quick answer is YES, you aren’t the only one who is suffering with this. According to the American Pregnancy Association, about half of all pregnant women suffer leg cramps at some point during their pregnancy, and they usually occur at night. It’s quite common.

Leg cramps are common among pregnant women, but the severity of the pain can range from irritating to incapacitating. Cramps can cause women to lose sleep, feel depressed, and be unable to work.

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: What Causes Them?

Leg cramps can occur at any time during your pregnancy, but they’re more prevalent in the second and third trimesters. The cause, on the other hand, is less obvious. Clear causes are uncertain. However:

  • One of the causes could be a build-up of certain acids (such as lactic and pyruvic acid) that cause your muscles to spasm involuntarily, resulting in painful cramps.
  • Weight gain during pregnancy puts more strain on your legs than when you’re not pregnant, which can lead to cramps.
  • When you’re pregnant, you’re also more likely to become dehydrated, which could be contributing to your leg cramps. When your body is dehydrated or deficient in sodium, your muscles can constrict, causing cramping.
  • Some hypotheses also claim that leg cramps during pregnancy could be related to exhaustion, the uterus pressing on particular nerves, or diminished circulation in the legs caused by the baby’s pressure on blood vessels.
  • Leg cramps also may be related to calcium or magnesium deficiency as well, this last one could be easily alleviated by taking vitamin supplements.

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: Home Remedies.

So, what can you do when you feel that old ache? Leg cramps can be relieved in a few simple ways during pregnancy:

  • As soon as you feel a cramp coming on, flex your foot. You want to point your toes up as high as you can and stay in this position until the tightness subsides.
  • Raise your leg. Do this after flexing your foot to help things move along. Even better, stretch your leg before raising it.
  • Take a walk. If you’re feeling a severe cramp, this can be difficult, but moving around can assist.
  • Apply pressure to the cramp. Rubbing the muscle can assist reduce stress (and cramping).

Call your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms in addition to leg cramps while pregnant:

  • One leg has been hurting for a long time.
  • Swelling of the legs.
  • Leg pain and redness.
  • A leg that is pleasant to the touch.

These symptoms could indicate a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein in your legs. A pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening emergency caused by a blood clot that travels to and blocks a section of your lungs. Leg cramps should be relieved as soon as possible. It will get better in time.

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Leg Cramps During Pregnancy: What to Do.

How to Avoid Leg Cramps While Pregnant.

Leg cramps are frequent during pregnancy, but there are a few things you can do to reduce your chances:
Calf muscles should be stretched. Stretching them out on a regular basis a few times a day, can help reduce stress in the area, which can lead to cramping.

  • Keep yourself physically active. Moving about can assist clear out the acids that might build up in your leg muscles.
  • Consider applying ice packs. For quick relief from the throbbing pain of sudden cramps in the legs, using a cold compress on the sore muscles is very effective. The cold temperature will numb the discomfort, minimize inflammation, and relax the muscles that are affected. A cold compress will also assist lessen soreness by restricting blood vessels once the cramp is gone.
  • Warm compresses also help. Applying a warm compress on the area of your leg that is cramping can also help. The heat from the compress relaxes muscles and helps reduce the pain, tightness or cramping. Also, it promotes increased blood flow and speeds up the healing process.
  • Before going to bed, take a warm shower or bath. This can help you relax your muscles.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This is good for pregnancy in general, but it can also help you avoid cramps.
  • Take a magnesium supplement if you haven’t already. There is some evidence that this can aid with leg cramps. Although most prenatal vitamins contain magnesium, you should consult your doctor to see whether you may benefit from further supplementation.
  • Massage is one of the most common ways to relieve a cramped muscle and the agony that comes with leg cramps. Massage stimulates circulation in the cramped area, allowing new fluid to flow in and release the strained muscle. Keep in mind that massage may cause some discomfort at first, but the cramp will subside quickly.
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Additional tips to keep in mind about leg Cramps During Pregnancy.

  • Consult your doctor if your leg cramps are severe and do not respond to home remedies.
  • Leg cramps can be avoided by slowly flexing and releasing your feet many times before bed each night.
  • To avoid night cramps, wear support stockings to bed.
  • Cramping can be avoided by not sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Sit comfortably with your legs up and avoid crossing your legs for long periods of time.
  • Choose footwear that provides you with comfort, support, and utility.
  • Caffeine in coffee increases the quantity of fluid lost through urine, so drink less of it.
  • Pregnant women should not avoid peeing since retaining urine in the bladder causes enlargement in the bladder.
  • If you need pain relief, don’t use painkillers without first visiting your doctor.

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Final thoughts about how to alleviate leg Cramps During Pregnancy.

Leg cramps are a common complaint among pregnant women. According to the American Pregnancy Association, about half of all pregnant women experience muscle cramps during their pregnancy. Leg cramps are uncontrollable muscle contractions in the rear of the leg. Especially in the second and third trimesters, they frequently occur at night. While leg cramps are prevalent, some women also have muscle spasms in their backs, abdomens, feet, and hands.

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Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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