Just the term high-risk pregnancy is terrifying. And for many moms, they don’t even know what it means or what to do if they’ve been diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy. High risk only means that statistically there is a greater probability that you have some type of complication during pregnancy, it is the medical term that all doctors use to catalog this type of patients, and to be able to be more strict with the care and attention towards them. However, that doesn’t mean necessarily that you’ll have problems. In this post, I am going to give you a few Tips to survive and cope with a high-risk pregnancy.
First of all, let’s understand, What are the risk factors to be classified as a high-risk pregnancy. Any pregnant woman who has:
- Insulin-dependent diabetes.
- High blood pressure.
- Any signs of premature labor ( Abnormal bleeding or pain).
- Preexisting medical conditions such as: Thyroid problems, heart disease, history of cancers, etc.
Tips to cope and survive a high-risk pregnancy.
Been diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy is not a prediction; it is just a statistic. Therefore that doesn’t mean that you will undoubtedly will have any complications; in fact, it depends on a large percentage of you that you can come out of all this victorious. How? By knowing exactly what you have and what you should do to avoid putting your pregnancy or baby at risk. The first thing is to educate yourself, understand and be clear about the things you must do to take care of yourself.
Know exactly what your doctor means when he recommends bed rest. There are different types of bed rest; the mildest means just avoiding excessive physical activity, staying in bed as long as you can, and probably also recommending pelvic rest, which means avoiding sex and orgasms. The more literal term of bed rest means, not to get out of bed for any reason, unless you go to the bathroom or kitchen, and walking slowly, this second, probably also includes the pelvic rest as well. If this is what it takes for you to end a pregnancy without complications, then let’s do it. You got this!!!
If you have to be on bed rest! Let’s do the best out of it with the following tips.
1. Set up a nest to be comfortable.
If you are forced to stay in bed, you might as well create a very comfortable bed and space to spend the remaining days or weeks of pregnancy; some changes may be necessary from the beginning to make you feel distracted, comfortable, and happy of being in the sweet wait. These changes might include.
- Place your bed near or looking at a window where you can have a view, observe people and sunlight. If you can’t or don’t want to move your bed, maybe a recliner or another type of smaller bed, or a sofa bed where you can spend at least the days.
- Re-organize your room and put everything you might need at your fingertips, that include beauty products, body creams, essential oils, etc.
- Consider putting other useful things like address books, reading books, magazines, a journal, or other entertainment books at your fingertips.
- Take the television to your room.
- Consider buying a small refrigerator to store food, snacks, and enough liquids close to you.
- Consider investing in a foam egg-crate contoured pad on top of your mattress.
2. Count your blessings and stay positive.
Rather than regretting what you are missing, this is the perfect time to think about what you are enjoying. Motherhood is a beautiful miracle. Take advantage of this time to read books to your baby, to connect with your being and with that little person that is in your womb; it is time to enjoy relaxing music, a smell that you like, to start a journal if you have not started one, to keep track of your pregnancy and emotions. All these things will make you feel better and happier even when you are confined to your room.
3. Lean on your partner.
The bed rest can have two different effects, or it can unite you as a couple, or it can separate the marriages even more. During these difficult times, consider being sympathetic to your partner. However, you are confined to a room, he is carrying the burden of the rest, and probably providing financially to keep things afloat, in addition to the remoteness that the bed rest imposes for prohibiting sex, or others physical activities that you share and enjoy together as a couple. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings, to be pampered with a breakfast in bed, or with a foot massage. Being loved and cared by a sensitive husband right now is going to help you connect more with him, and is going to take your relationship to a new level of rapport that you have never experienced before.
4. Keep house rules crystal clear.
From the beginning, consider having a family reunion, in it you must make it clear that things should change from now on, this point applies specifically if you have children.
During this meeting, it is preferable to be with another adult, preferably your partner. Alleviate all the doubts and concerns that your little ones may have, explain everything with love and empathy; your husband should take the lead and show your children how he expects them to behave towards you and that they should avoid disturbing you, be sure to let them know that jumping in top of your belly or the bed or any other place near you can pose a severe threat to the coming baby.
You must explain to the little ones that your role as a mother is on hiatus for a few months and all for a good cause. If you have children under the age of 4, consider hiring a babysitter.
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5. Keep your mind busy.
Just because you have to be physically inactive does not mean you have to be mentally inactive as well. In fact, during this downtime, your mind and emotions will be more active than ever. So if you can keep your mind active and busy with work or other things, that will help you a lot.
Activities such as: Pay the bills, balance the checkbook, help children with homework, work from your computer etc. will be a good idea.
6. Stay fit while in bed rest.
Yes, that’s possible too. The most wise thing to do is to consult your doctor first, but as soon as he gives you the OK, you can try to exercise some of your muscles even if you are in bed rest. Within bed exercises, you have: leg lifts, calf stretches, and upper arms exercises with lightweight lifts. All of these exercises promote circulation, keep your heart active, and maintain muscle mass and strength.
7. Perfect time to pamper yourself.
Being in bed rest as a result of a high-risk pregnancy does not mean that you have to neglect yourself, this is the perfect time to hire a massage therapist, or do a manicure or pedicure at home, ask if your hairdresser can come to your home from time to time. Anyway, you can find ways to feel beautiful even if you are in your room.
8. Choose wisely your visitors.
Being in bed for long periods of time can make you crave adult conversation. However, only invite those friends who will listen to you and will be empathetic to your situation, pick those friends that understand you, they make you laugh, and that bring over happiness and good energy, you need good vibes, not the opposite.
9. Get professional support during bed rest if you feel that you need to.
But if all the tips have failed to make you feel better. Being in bed rest is a very frustrating situation. Do not hesitate to contact your healthcare and ask if they can provide you with information about support groups by phone for mothers who are going through for your situation. Most likely, in your city, there is a phone where you can call, and they can give you support and counseling during this time.
Sharing is caring!!
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Final thoughts about Tips to survive and cope with a high-risk pregnancy.
The words of encouragement that I want you to take away from this article is that, you are not sick, you are just expecting a baby. This is all transitory; once you have your baby, everything will go back to how it was before.
Take advantage of this time to connect with yourself, with your baby, don’t be afraid to get emotionally attached to him/her, have faith, a positive mind, remember that if you follow the medical instructions step by step, you will most likely have your baby healthy and strong.
I hope I have been able to help you if you are going through a high-risk pregnancy. Let me know your history, so that other mothers can learn from you.
See you on my next post.
Zadi, xo
[…] Tips to survive and cope with a high-risk pregnancy. […]
[…] Tips to survive and cope with a high-risk pregnancy. […]
Thank you so much for sharing these tips. I am confined right now to my room due to a high risk pregnancy and your tips are life saver.
I ma glad to know that I am helping. Good luck.
[…] Tips to survive and cope with a high-risk pregnancy. […]