How to Conceive a Boy Naturally.

How to Conceive a Boy Naturally.
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For some mothers, it may seem terrifying to take care of a boy, but as a mom of 2, I can tell you that they are very easy to raise, and that there is no purer love in the world than the love for a son and vice versa. In addition, for some religions and cultures it is very important to have males to continue the family lineage. Although there is no 100% certainty that what I am going to share with you will actually get you pregnant with a boy, these are tips proven to work by multiple scientific studies. Therefore, they’ll help you to Conceive a Boy Naturally. Ready? Let’s begin.

How to Conceive a Boy Naturally.

1. Using Shettles as a Method.

The chromosomes of the father are the ones that determine the gender of the child. Every person has 23 pairs of chromosomes.

  • Females have 2 X chromosomes. XX
  • Males have 1 X and 1 Y chromosome. XY

A sperm can carry either an X or a Y chromosome, as explained by Dr. Landrum Shettles. A girl will be produced if there is an X chromosome, and a boy will be produced if there is a Y chromosome on the sperm that fertilize the egg.

It is common for Y sperm to move more quickly than X sperm, and this advantage may allow them to reach the egg in a shorter amount of time. On the other hand, they are weaker and do not last long time. Even though X sperm move more slowly than Y sperm, X sperm are exceptionally resilient and can remain alive for up to four days after ovulation.

  • X or Female sperm chromosome= Slow swimmers but resilient, they last long time.
  • Y or Male sperm chromosome= Faster swimmers but weaker, they die first.

The Shettles approach focuses on the ways in which you can coordinate sexual activity with the timing of your menstrual cycle in order to increase the likelihood that you will produce a baby boy. If you want to know when the optimal time to have sexual activity is, you need to be timing your ovulation. This is important because Y sperm travels more quickly than X sperm, so they have a better chance of fertilizing the egg first.

If you track your temperature, take a test, or pay attention to the mucus in your cervical cervix, you will be able to determine when you are ovulating.

Therefore, according to the Shettles Method, if you want to conceive a baby boy, it is best to have sexual activity right before ovulation (24 hours prior to ovulation). This way you have a higher chance of the Y sperms reaching the egg because they’ll be alive, and they are also the faster swimmers.

2. The Whelan Method.

This technique was developed by Elizabeth Whelan and is similar to the Shettles method. The Whelan method is based on the idea that there are specific points in a woman’s menstrual cycle when her body is more receptive to either the X-sperm or the Y-sperm than at other times. So, if a couple wants to boost their chances of having a boy, they should try to have sexual activity 24 to 12 hours before ovulation, or on the day when ovulation occurs. This will maximize having your chances of having a baby boy for up to 57%. As you can see Shettles and Whelan are very similar when it comes to the times of ovulation you can have intercourse to get pregnant with a specific gender.

3. Vaginal PH is Important.

It turns out that Your PH Levels matter a lot when it comes to keeping your partner’s sperm alive, no matter what sex you want your baby to be. Between 7.0 and 8.5 is the ideal pH range for the vaginal environment to keep sperm alive and moving freely. In point of fact, a decrease in sperm motility can be observed when the vaginal pH is lower than 6.0.
Sperm are momentarily shielded from the acidic environment of the vagina by the alkaline pH of the sperm, but if your vagina is extremely acidic, you may have trouble getting pregnant. Strange, isn’t it?

There are a number of factors that might affect your vaginal PH, including the following:

  • Out of Control Stress.
  • Obesity.
  • Elevated or reduced female hormone levels.
  • Age.
  • Dehydration.
  • Use of certain prescription medications.
  • Exposure to environmental toxins.
  • Use of lubricants that are toxic to sperm.
  • Poor Diet.

It is imperative that you get your pH levels checked before you start attempting to conceive. Vaginal testing strips are readily available at most drugstores and can also be purchased online. The level of acidity or alkalinity in the mother’s vaginal fluids is a significant factor in establishing the gender of the baby.

For conceiving a baby boy is important to have an alkaline PH in the vagina. Because of this, you need to raise the amounts of alkaline in your body so that the Y chromosomes in your body can survive longer in an acidic environment.

4. Proper Assumptions Regarding Sexual Positions.

The method you engage in sexual activity may also influence the gender of the baby you have. Concentrate on postures that allow for deeper penetration, since this will help you deposit sperm in the area of the woman’s cervix that is the most accessible. As a result, the sperm from the male will have an easier time traveling to the egg that is placed in the fallopian tube. You might want to give these sex positions a shot the next time you go out, as they are known to promote deeper penetration:

  • Standing sex
  • Doggy-style (rear entry)
  • Spooning

5. Diet to Conceive a Boy Naturally.

Male sperm could swim better in an environment with better alkaline pH levels, so it’s best to start eating alkaline-friendly foods. Increasing your intake by 400 calories can also increase your chances as well. You can try consuming these types of food for better alkaline pH levels in your body:

  • Lentils
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Corn
  • Carrots
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Potato skin
  • Papaya
  • Avocado
  • Cherries
  • Bananas
  • Fish
  • Quinoa

You should also avoid these types of food, as they are high in acid and will make your body less welcoming for male sperm:

  • Spicy food
  • Anything vinegar and citrusy
  • Food with tangy flavors
  • Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and milk

Avoid alcohol and nicotine, as it would kill sperms, namely the weak male sperm. Do not smoke or drink.

You can also consult a doctor to find out what type of food and supplements will be safe for you while trying to conceive a baby boy. Focus on Evening Primrose Oils or Omega 3 fatty acids, which will also help increase the production of mucus that protects male sperm when moving into your cervical canal.

Summarizing, here are the takeaway for Conceiving a Boy Naturally.

  • Your partner should consider wearing boxer shorts instead of briefs in order to prevent the testicles from being overheated. Sperm that are heated to high temperatures can be destroyed. It is in everyone’s best interest to maintain the lowest feasible temperature.
  • Make the environment (vaginal environment) more alkaline in order to create the optimal conditions for the sperm. You can accomplish this by eating green vegetables and avoiding meals that have been processed. Your body’s alkaline levels can be significantly increased by consuming foods such as nuts, seeds, lentils, and soy products, amongst others.
  • Because an orgasm causes an alkaline environment in a woman’s vagina, it is important to time your orgasm appropriately. This would result in an improvement to the circumstances for the male sperm.
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Final thoughts about How to Conceive a Boy Naturally.

Although the evidence is ambiguous about all these approaches, many couples have reported success with these measures for conceiving a baby boy. So, in order to get pregnant with a baby boy these methods recommends that a woman should have sexual activity 12 to 24 hours before ovulation. If you follow these tips, it is possible that you’ll become pregnant with a baby boy.

And always remember that, even if these techniques do not improve your chances of having a baby boy by natural means, you still have a fifty-fifty chance of conceiving a little boy, and those are odds that we are happy with, regardless of the gender of the baby.

Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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