Tips to prevent or treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

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Hemorrhoid during pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms, mainly in the last two trimesters of pregnancy, and if you are one of those mommies who suffer from constipation. In this post, I am going to give you a list of tips that you can implement today to prevent or treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy in a natural way.

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Hemorrhoid during pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms, mainly in the last two trimesters of pregnancy, and if you are one of those mommies who suffer from constipation. In this post learn about how to prevent and treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy in a natural way. #hemorrhoids #hemorrhoidsduringpregnancy #pregnancyhemorrhoids #howto #pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum. They’re also known as piles because of the resemblance these swollen veins sometimes bear to a pile of grapes or marbles.

There are two types of hemorrhoids; the symptoms will depend on what type of hemorrhoids you are having.

General symptoms of hemorrhoids.

  • Pain, mainly with bowel movement.
  • Bleeding, mainly with bowel movement.
  • Itchiness.
  • Swelling.
  • A palpable bulging area around the anus.

The causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are:

As your baby grows inside your belly, the uterus gets bigger and begins to press against all the organs and structures adjacent to it. This growth puts a lot of pressure on the veins near your anus and rectum, and these veins will become swollen and painful as a result. The increase in the hormone progesterone during pregnancy can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, as it relaxes the walls of your veins, making them more prone to swelling. An increase in blood volume, which enlarges veins, can also contribute to hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Here is what you can do to prevent hemorrhoids naturally.

  • Avoid sitting or lying down for long periods. Especially on hard or uncomfortable surfaces. Avoid sleeping on your back, since this position also increases the pressure that the pregnant uterus exerts on the intestines and therefore causes hemorrhoids.
  • Practice the Kegel exercises for at least 15 minutes a day. Kegel exercises help you exercise the muscles of the pelvic floor, especially the muscles around the anus. Kegel exercises will help you decrease the stagnation of the blood in the veins, thus preventing the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Keep your bowel movements frequent and loose. This will allow you to avoid putting added pressure on your rectal muscles by straining during bowel movements. Constipation is one of the fundamental causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. To reduce constipation, you can try: A diet rich in fiber, drink plenty of water and liquids, and speak to your doctor at the first sign of constipation. There are some laxatives you can take during pregnancy, and some prenatal pills that already have stool softener included.
  • During pregnancy, it is beneficial to remove regular toilet paper and use wipes that are dye and scent-free.
  • To clean yourself up, be gentle, always trying patting motions instead of rubbing motions.
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How to treat hemorrhoids naturally during pregnancy after the symptoms already started.

  • Apply cold compresses to the affected area several times a day. Ice will help to reduce blood vessels and, therefore, will reduce pain.
  • To alleviate itchiness, treat a warm bath with an added half a cup of baking soda. This warm bath should be performed for short periods at a time, to avoid bleeding.
  • Witch hazel is one of the recommended remedies for hemorrhoids. You just have to take a little cotton and put it on the hemorrhoid area. The Witch Hazel is going to shrink it, which is going to ease the pain
  • Try a knee-chest position for a while to ease the pressure temporarily that the uterus exerts on the organs and intestines. This will give you temporary relief in what you are trying any medication or remedy.
  • If you have hemorrhoids, and you must be sitting for long periods, consider purchasing a rubber doughnut to place on your sitting surface. For other mommies only a pillow works well, you just have to find what works for you best.
  • Before using any remedy, consult your doctor. And avoid trying over-the-counter treatments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. They are not recommended for pregnant women, as there is not enough scientific evidence that they don’t harm the fetus.

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Final thoughts about Tips to prevent or treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are unavoidable, especially in the second and third trimesters due to the growth of the fetus and the uterus. But that does not mean that you have to suffer the pain and you cannot do anything to find relief.

During pregnancy, your body is going through all sorts of physical changes; hemorrhoids can be one more unwanted irritation. The good news is that they generally aren’t harmful to your health or the health of your unborn baby, and they’re usually a short-term problem. Though pushing during labor can worsen hemorrhoids, they typically go away on their own after you give birth.

Zadi, xo.

Disclaimer: Under no circumstances, the information in this blog is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your physician.

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