At 38 weeks pregnant, you are still considered to be at “early term,” which means baby is practically ready. At 38 weeks, you’re in month 9 of your pregnancy. Only a few weeks left to go!! This post is …

A pregnancy, Motherhood and Lifestyle Blog
At 38 weeks pregnant, you are still considered to be at “early term,” which means baby is practically ready. At 38 weeks, you’re in month 9 of your pregnancy. Only a few weeks left to go!! This post is …
At 37 weeks pregnant, you are considered to be at “early term,” which means baby is practically ready. Settling or nesting can likewise be your mind’s method to ensure you’re set up for the big day, however, there are …
At 36 weeks there are still (more or less) 4 more weeks to go. Today’s post is going to be about your 36 week baby ultrasound and pregnancy. As usual, I am going to talk about pregnancy symptoms, fetal …
The second trimester is considered to be from week 13 to week 28. This is often the most comfortable time of pregnancy for most women. The early symptoms of the first trimester will start to disappear here and you …
At 35 weeks you are in the last week of your eighth month. Just about five more weeks to go! Today it’s time to talk about your Normal 35 week baby ultrasound and pregnancy, as usual you are going …
At 34 weeks you have about 6 more weeks to go. You’re only about six weeks away from becoming a mom, how exciting is that! Today we are going to talk about your Normal 34 week ultrasound and pregnancy. …
For some women getting pregnant is really easy. While for others getting pregnant can take years and involve a lot of heartaches. Today we are going to be talking about how to improve your fertility to get pregnant fast …
At 33 weeks you have 7 more weeks to go, however only 4 more weeks to be completely on the safe zone, after 37 weeks your baby will be just fine if he decides to come before the due …
In about 1-2% of pregnancies, an incompetent or weakened cervix is the cause of a miscarriage. Almost 25% of second-trimester miscarriages are due to incompetent cervix. Today we are going to be talking about cervical incompetence and all the …
At 32 weeks you are officially 8 months pregnant, you have still 8 more weeks to go! In today’s post we are going to be talking about your 32 week ultrasound and pregnancy, as usual, you are going to learn …
In a world where children’s achievements are often measured by grades or sports scores, the importance of nurturing kids to be empathetic can get lost in the mix. Is important to remember that our homes are the first place …
At 31 weeks there are still (more or less) 9 more weeks to go. Today’s post is going to be about your 31 week baby ultrasound and pregnancy. I am going to talk about pregnancy symptoms, fetal development, prenatal …
An ectopic pregnancy can be a life-threatening condition if is not treated quick and properly. Some of the most recent statistics for ectopic pregnancy according to the March of dimes study, show that: 1 in 50 pregnancies in the …
You finally reach the 30 week mark, and you are rapidly approaching to have your beautiful baby in your arms. There are still (more or less) 10 more weeks to go. Today we are going to talk about your …
If you are a mother like me, your mornings probably don’t start seating alone at the beach looking at the waves, with a delicious cup of coffee in your hands. Instead your mornings are surrounded by chaos, exhaustion and …
The second week of the third Trimester, only 11 more weeks to go, a good reason to keep celebrating. Hi mommies, today’s post it’s going to be about your Normal 29 week baby ultrasound. As usual, you are going …
As a parent of 2 boys, I know how difficult potty training a boy can be, especially because boys don’t develop at the same pace of girls, whether you are excited about it or not, your child needs to …
At 28 weeks pregnant you are officially on the Third Trimester, or in your seventh month!. And you’ll most likely have a checkup every two weeks until 36 weeks, then switch to once-a-week visits until you deliver. In today’s post we …
If you are a woman, your chance of getting a urinary tract infection or UTI is high, and that’s due to our Anatomy. In this post we are going to talk about Urinary tract infection during pregnancy, the causes, …
At 27 weeks pregnant you’re probably still adjusting to your changing body and pregnancy weight gain, you may also notice a few new aches and pains as your belly keeps growing up. In today’s post we will be talking …
All children don’t develop at the same pace, some of them go slow, while others learn very fast. Regardless of the activities that we can do to help them, we also have to give them time to learn and develop. …
Pregnancy is such a delightful time for a lot of women, but a difficult time for others, between morning sickness combined with cravings or aversions, things that you can and need to eat and others that you can’t even …
All you need to know about your 26 week pregnancy, fetal development, pregnancy symptoms, prenatal visit and testing and fetal ultrasound.
Miscarriage means loss of an embryo or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most miscarriages occur during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion. About 15% of known pregnancies end in …
Bringing a baby or child into your life can be an exciting but sometimes also overwhelming as well. It starts with getting prepared, financially and emotionally. I am here to help you through your journey. In this post you’ll …
At 25 weeks you’re quickly approaching to the third trimester, and your baby is getting bigger each day. In today’s post we are going to talk about your normal 25 week baby ultrasound and pregnancy. As usual you’ll find …
If you’re reading this article, chances are that either you’re trying to conceive or had unprotected Sex. A woman that knows her body, can see the slightest change in herself. If you are not aware of what to expect …
Ovulation and pregnancy as a result is a process in which so many things have to be on the perfect timing for them to occur. In this post I am going to tell you all about How to track your …
If you’re 24 weeks pregnant, you’re in month 6 of your pregnancy. Only 3 months left to go!. Today’s post will about your Normal 24 week pregnancy and ultrasound, as usual you are going to find ultrasound images and …
Helping kids understand the effect of their thoughts, words, and actions is essential in building a foundation for their future wellness. When kids learn how to think positive from a young age, they will have a much greater chance …
At 23 weeks pregnant, your baby is getting stronger and more active. It’s now easier to tell that those little movements are actually your baby kicks. In today’s post we are going to be talking about your 23 week …
When it comes to preeclampsia an informed decision can be the difference between life and death, this post is not intended to scare you but to create awareness about the importance of receiving prenatal care with the right professionals. …
At 22 weeks you are more than halfway through your pregnancy. You may now be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat with a stethoscope. You may also feel your first, mild, practice contractions. In today’s post I am going …
Going home with a newborn baby is exciting. But do you know how to handle your newborn care? In this article I am going to give you the most important Baby care tips for new moms. Know that newborns have …
This week the changes in the development of your baby are exciting, at 21 weeks you are officially in the second half of your pregnancy. Today we are going to talk about your 21 week baby ultrasound. As usual, …
If you are feeling stressed out, or overwhelmed, you probably needs some time off. Live this days tends to be crazy. Among all the responsibilities that we carry, it should be important for parents to take time off together …
At 20 weeks pregnant it’s official, you made it to the middle of your pregnancy. As you already noticed, today we are going to talk about your 20 week baby ultrasound. In this article you are going to find …
When it comes to the teething process is complicated, not all children develop at the same time, and during this time our little one get’s very irritable and uncomfortable. But don’t worry I have good tips for you about …
At 19 weeks pregnant you just entered in your fifth month. Your bump more likely will start showing by now. In today’s post we’ll talk about the 19 week baby pregnancy and ultrasound. As usual, this post contain ultrasound …
Pregnancy is a precious stage for all women, unfortunately gaining weight is inevitable and losing those extra pounds can be difficult for some of us. It is scientifically proven that the exercise is very important in all stages of …
Adenomyosis is a condition that affects millions of women around the world. Is a disorder where the endometrial tissue found within the lining the of the uterus grows into the muscles of the uterus or myometrium. Or in other …
At 18 weeks pregnant you’re busy taking care of yourself to help baby grow! You still have a couple of weeks until you reach the midpoint of your pregnancy, when you’ll likely have your next big doctor appointment. Since …
Regardless that breastfeeding is a very natural thing for women, for some of us doesn’t feel so natural. The pain, the hassles and the schedule/times can make the breastfeeding experience a very difficult one, but there are small things …
As we all know all children do not develop at the same speed, some go slow while others learn very fast, regardless of whether you always have activities that can help your child, we also have to allow them …
You are quickly approaching to the middle of your pregnancy, congrats. Today’s topic will be your “ Normal 17 week baby ultrasound”. As usual, ultrasound images of what you are expected to see are going to be in the …
What mother doesn’t want to have a baby that besides being precious is very smart? What about if I tell you that this is relatively easy to achieve with those activities that you do every day with your baby? …
At 16 weeks, you’re officially 4 months pregnant! As your second trimester hums along, your baby’s growing rapidly, and you might start seeing changes happening to your own body as well. In today’s post the topic will be normal …
Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grow in other parts of the body. Like the uterine lining, this tissue builds up and sheds in response to monthly hormonal cycles. However, there is no …
At 15 weeks pregnant you’re probably feeling great! If you’ve been physically active and eating healthy, nutritious food, that goes a long way toward boosting your mood and energy and maintaining a healthy weight gain. In today’s post we …
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which a woman has increased levels of male hormones (androgens). Many problems occur as a result of this increase of hormones, including: Menstrual irregularities. Infertility. Skin problems such as acne and …
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