Pregnancy is not a disease that you have to learn to deal with. Rather a fundamental and normal part of a woman’s life. Pregnancy is more than morning sickness and night trips to the bathroom. It is a personal journey during which you will discover how wonderful and miraculous the human body is, and especially the woman’s body. During those 9 months, you will not only grow your belly and your body but also your mind and soul. Pregnancy will challenge your body, your work, your interpersonal relationships, your mind, and all your life.
Every day within you millions of cells are growing to eventually become a whole, to form a unique human being that will be your baby. Pregnancy, although difficult, is the most wonderful thing that exists. Although pregnancy is a unique journey for all of us, the only thing that will be common for all women is pregnancy symptoms. In this post, I am going to give you a detailed and complete list of all the symptoms of pregnancy that you will experience in the first trimester that are normal, along with an explanation of why these symptoms occur and how to improve them in a natural way.
Pregnancy symptoms for the first trimester.
The first trimester of pregnancy is considered from 1 to 13 weeks of gestation, or from the first to the third month of pregnancy.
At this time the early signs of pregnancy begin to be felt. The symptoms listed here include those early signs of pregnancy plus all other pregnancy symptoms that include the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Most common early signs of pregnancy.
One of the first symptoms that you will begin to notice is constant fatigue. Your body does not have the energy to perform the usual activities. And this is because your body is using a lot of energy to prepare for pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting:
Morning sickness can be usually confused with other diseases, such as the flu. Due to the rapid and sudden increase in hormones, your stomach begins to feel unease.
Slight spotting:
Light bleeding may occur during the period of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. This is completely normal and should not last more than 2 days.
Food cravings:
And this too, you can blame it to the hormones. What you thought was detestable before you love it now, or what you used to love now may repulse you at this moment. All these are normal. Just eat what you prefer and what you don’t like anymore, feel free to discard it, to avoid feeling sick.
Breast changes:
Although very early, due to the hormonal increase, your breasts begin to feel different. The symptoms are similar to those of menstruation. But with a little more drama. You might start feeling nipple tingle, breasts are tender and fuller, the areola is bigger and get’s a bit darker.
Abdominal discomfort and bloating:
Even if you don’t feel it, from the beginning the uterus begins to grow, the sensation of bloating and discomfort is inevitable.
This symptom is especially complicated because there are 2 variants that can be normal or abnormal. Example of normal: You can feel slightly gassy, with a generalized sensation throughout the area of the lower abdomen and pelvis.
Example of what is abnormal: Sharp one-sided pain. This symptom should be reported to your doctor.
Frequent urination:
The sensation of urinary frequency at the beginning of pregnancy is related to the sudden increase in hormones. In the middle and end of pregnancy, this frequency will be caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus in the urinary bladder.
Aversions to odor and smells:
As weird as it sounds, it is the same as the food aversions. The same goes for smells. The smells that once seemed pleasant to you are now unbearable, and the smells that you once hated you might now like them. This is also due to hormones.
And finally, you miss your period and the count begins. Beginning today you are officially pregnant!!!
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Here you have a list of the symptoms for the rest of the first trimester, why do they occur and how to find relief.
Dry and itchy skin is a symptom of pregnancy that begins to manifest itself from the beginning. Especially in the growing abdomen. Some women report the only itchiness in localized areas of the body, while others experience widespread dryness throughout the body. What you should do to relieve this symptom: Avoid strong soaps and cleansers that steal all-natural oils from your skin. Implement a routine where hydration is a fundamental part of it.
Pregnancy comes with tiredness that you have never experienced before. Exhaustion that you will need to sleep and still feel exhausted. This fatigue has a reason for being. And this reason is that each and every one of your organs are working overtime to accommodate your new guest. And every part of you is being affected by the hormonal and physiological changes of pregnancy. In addition, within your uterus, you are producing new organs and a new human being, among those new organs that you are making, is the placenta, a fundamental part of pregnancy and organ that provides the nourishment of your baby. The only solution for this symptom is to rest. Give yourself time to recover, be patient and give yourself love.
The composition and volume of saliva change during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. The vast majority of women notice a very close relationship between morning sickness and saliva production, while for others the production of saliva triggers nausea. The good news is that this symptom is markedly improved at the end of the first trimester in most pregnancies. Sucking mints can help you a lot if this symptom causes you discomfort.
Due to the hormonal increase, the frequency of urination increases as well. As an innate mechanism of defense of your body, you will also feel the need for drinking water, more than usual to avoid getting dehydrated. So, you know what to do, drink it up.
Most women are prone to constipation even without being pregnant. During pregnancy, constipation is a normal symptom produced by the hormonal increase that slows down food through the digestive tract. During pregnancy, hormones produce a loss in the motility of the intestine, thus ensuring that your body reabsorbs all the necessary nutrients and fluid (another miracle of being pregnant, and another reason to think that nature is wise). The combination of slow movements and dryness of the fecal bolus causes constipation. Later on, in pregnancy, other causes for constipation are going to be the great size of your uterus once again putting pressure on the adjoining organs, in this case, the intestines. What you can do to improve constipation: Increase fiber consumption. Drink more liquids. Exercise more if there is no contraindication. Obey your body and urges.
Gassy and bloated:
The same reasons that cause constipation are the same that cause bloating. What you can do to relieve this symptom: Exercise if you can. Eat slowly. Eat more frequently in small portions. Stick to a healthy diet. Avoid foods that cause gas such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sprout Brussels, beans, green peppers, carbonated drinks. Avoid fried and greased foods.
Pregnancy hormones, especially progesterone, cause a decrease in the motility of the intestines, a relaxation of the stomach muscles, thus increasing the time of digestion. The more time the food spends in the upper digestive tract, the easier it is for food and acids to travel back to the esophagus, this condition is known as GER or what is more commonly called heartburn. What to do to avoid or at least decrease heartburn: Eat small portions and more frequently. Avoid going to bed after eating. Keep track of the foods that cause you the most discomfort and avoid them. Avoid eating high-fat meals. Do not drink much liquid with food to avoid diluting gastric acids very much. Drinking milk or low-fat ice-cream will help you improve the discomfort of gastric acids.
Pelvic discomforts:
Even if you still can’t see your belly, at the end of the first trimester you will begin to feel that there are substantial changes in your pelvis. A feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen is normal, you can also experience stabbing pains when you change position quickly, and this is because as the uterus grows all the support ligaments of this organ are stretching as well. As the pregnancy progresses these discomforts will feel intense, but with a little rest and moderate exercises, you can find relief.
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Related posts:
All about normal 7 week ultrasound.
All about normal 13 week ultrasound.
How to help your young boy to adjust to a new baby.
How to prevent preterm labor naturally.
The first trimester of pregnancy. The checklist.
The things to avoid in your first trimester.
Final thoughts about Pregnancy symptoms for the first trimester.
At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy as you can see the symptoms are varied and quite a lot. Each and every one of them has a reason for being. At the end of the third month although you still feel tired and with many ailments, other improvements in the mood also appear and emotionally you begin to feel more connected with your baby.
I hope this post has been helpful to you. For the second and third trimesters, I have separated the posts to give you a detailed list of all the symptoms with the reason why they appear and how to find relief. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions. As usual, thank you for reading my post, See you next time.
Zadi, xo
Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, the information in this post is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care always visit your doctor.
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