Reasons why your baby might by crying and tips to soothe him/her.
Normal 14 week baby ultrasound.
You are now officially in your second trimester. The majority of pregnant women report a significant improvement in the pregnancy symptoms during the second trimester, and your baby keeps developing as well. In today’s article we will talk about Normal …
First trimester abnormal pathologies detected with ultrasound.
The First Trimester Screening is an early non-invasive evaluation that combines a maternal blood screening test with an ultrasound evaluation of the fetus to identify risks for specific chromosomal abnormalities, including Down Syndrome Trisomy-21 and Trisomy-18. Intravaginal sonography (US) …
Normal 13 week baby ultrasound.
Congratulations! The 13th week of pregnancy means you have one week left in your first trimester. Here is what you can expect in the upcoming week. In this post we are talking about 13 week baby ultrasound, as usual, all …
Normal 12 week baby ultrasound.
You must be very excited if you reach 12 weeks, you are about to finish the first trimester. As usual, on this article, you will find good info about your 12 week pregnancy and what to expect on your …
Normal 11 week baby ultrasound. Nuchal translucency.
At this time you’ll have one of the most important ultrasounds on your entire pregnancy. Therefore, today I’ll be talking about 11 week baby ultrasound, we will also be talking briefly about the Nuchal Translucency, CVS and Amnio as …
Normal 10 week baby ultrasound.
The first trimester lasts from the first week through the 12th week of pregnancy. Therefore, at 10 weeks pregnant, you’re getting close to the end of your first trimester, eyyyy that’s exciting. You also may be wondering when those uncomfortable …
Normal 9 week baby ultrasound.
This week, your little baby is now officially known as a fetus, is looking even less like a little pink blob and instead has more of a mini baby shape. Even the tail that had been present in earlier …
Normal 8 week baby ultrasound.
Well, let me guess, you are 8 weeks pregnant now and you still don’t believe it because your belly is not showing and you don’t fell the baby kicks? I know. But what if I tell you that miracles …
Normal 7 week baby ultrasound.
If you reach this point you are probably full of questions and fears, after all the first trimester is crucial. But relax you are doing fine, at 7 weeks your baby is growing and changing a lot, stay with …
Twin pregnancy ultrasound.
Most twin or multiple pregnancies are discovered during an ultrasound. If you’re having a twin pregnancy or other multiples, here’s what you need to know to take good care of yourself and your babies. So in this article I …
Abnormal first trimester ultrasound.
Pregnancy failure is a common problem in the first trimester with failure rates approaching 25%. A threatened abortion is defined as bleeding and cramping in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound plays a key role in evaluating women …
First trimester ultrasound dating.
Correct measurements in the first trimester are crucial to have an accurate due date, so here I will explain all you need to know about First trimester ultrasound, measurements, dating and guidelines. As you probably know accurate pregnancy dating …
Normal first trimester 6 weeks ultrasound.
Assuming that you have a positive pregnancy test, and HCG (pregnancy hormone) blood work confirms a pregnancy. Next thing is an ultrasound, to rule out gestational age, estimated due date, how many babies and also maternal organs are checked, …
All you need to know about early pregnancy.
Gestational age is measured in weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. This means that your last period counts as part of your pregnancy. Even though you weren’t actually pregnant, your period is a signal that …
Ovaries, hormonal cycles and common cysts.
Hi there, welcome. Have you ask yourself, how do my ovaries work? if your answer is yes, I have good news for you. In this post we are talking about all related to ovaries, Hormonal cycle, most common cysts …
Uterine Fibroids, how to naturally treat and prevent them.
Uterine fibroids is one of the most common benign tumors that women suffer, in this article you will learn a little more about fibroid, how they are evaluated through ultrasound, and how you can naturally deal with the symptoms …
All about uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Normal female anatomy and how is seeing with ultrasound.