One of the most common symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy is morning sickness. For some women, it is mild, while for others, it is more debilitating and severe. In this post, I will Talk about how to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy to function and feel better, alleviating and even eliminating the morning sickness completely. Ready? Let’s begin.
Causes of morning sickness during pregnancy.
Two main reasons cause morning sickness, there are:
- Sudden increase in pregnancy hormones.
- Increased energy consumption within your body due to the formation and development of a new life.
Morning sickness occurs mainly during the first trimester of pregnancy. .Nausea and vomiting are among the most common symptoms. However, other symptoms such as fatigue, heartburn, extreme tiredness might be present as well.
Related posts:
How to relieve heartburn during pregnancy.
How to relieve constipation during pregnancy.
Pregnancy symptoms for the second trimester.
How to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.
1. Avoid fasting.
To start the day feeling better, it is preferable not to wake up on an empty stomach, full of gastric acids. Generally speaking, when you start the day feeling nauseous and sick, this probably will ruin the rest of your day.
To avoid getting up on an empty stomach, it is advisable to eat something small before going to sleep the night before, and as soon as you get up, try to start your day immediately by drinking fluids to dilute your gastric acids a little, so that you can begin the day later on with a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
These tips might help.
- Eat something before bed ( Crackers and a smoothie, or other light choices are good examples)
- Take some nutritious snacks to your room, to eat during the night if you get up to go to the bathroom, or with an empty stomach, or to immediately ingest when you get up.
The fundamental reason why nausea occurs during pregnancy is the sudden change from an empty stomach to a full one. So the idea is to keep the transition smooth, and try not to fast for long periods of time.
2. Keep track of what you eat, and avoid what makes you feel sick.
After living for a few weeks with morning sickness, it is inevitable that your body begins to warn you when there is something that is going to make you feel sick. Some women can recognize their hypersensitivity to some flavors or smells. There are always things you can do to remove triggers from your life.
How to keep track of the foods that make you nauseous? Very easy, you must take note of the good days and bad days, of all the food consumed on those days, the smells, the activities carried out, so you can begin to associate what makes you sick. And above all, listen to your body.
3. Eat stomach-friendly foods to relieve morning sickness.
There are foods that, by nature, are easier to digest than others, here is a list of those foods that are stomach-friendly that will help you eliminate feeling nauseous or sick.
- Fast-transit foods: Within this category, smoothies or yogurts are the best example. These particular drinks you can be loaded with fruits and vegetables, giving you a balanced nutrition, at the same time that they are easily digested by the stomach.
- Nutrient-dense foods: Foods such as avocados, kidney beans, cheese, fish, nut butter (peanut, cashew or almond butter, depends on your preference), whole grain bread, or pasta, brown rice, tofu, etc. All these foods have nutritional value, with low calories, but are gentle to your stomach at the same time.
- Prioritizes hydration: Drinking lots of water is essential to prevent and improve morning sickness. It is proven that dehydration causes nausea.
- Avoid food that creates an excess of saliva: Salty or dry foods are proven to stimulate the production of saliva during pregnancy. About this point, most women feel improvement when they eat peppermint candy or chew gum.
- Eat more of the rich in water types of food: These foods are not only very easy to digest, but also help you to stay hydrated, and improve constipation. Among these foods are Melons, grapes., frozen fruit bars, lettuce, pears, apples, and celery.
- Prioritizes high-energy foods: Foods composed of complex carbohydrates, continue releasing energy into your bloodstream for long periods of time, avoiding your hunger or cravings to start. Therefore, these are very helpful in relieving nausea. These foods are nutritious and help to keep your nausea under control. Among these foods are Grains, specifically rice, corn, wheat, oats, and barley.
- If your prenatal pill gives you nausea, drink it with the biggest meal of your day.
4. Even if you don’t feel like it, get up, get ready, and leave the house.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, and even later, there will come days when you will feel without energy or desire to do anything, this is normal. However, when those bad days are more than good days, you should force yourself to leave the house and get some fresh air, as well as to get some distraction. Believe it or not, getting some sun ( Vitamin D), talking to friends, taking a deep breath, walking, exercising, among other activities are going to give you the vitality and strength you need.
5. If your morning sickness has been out of control lately, learn to plan ahead.
By now, you probably know the things that cause you morning sickness. It is time that you plan ahead for those bad days, cook a little more food to leave refrigerated, so the days that you are more indisposed you have a nutritious meal without having to cook, avoid buying when you make the market those foods that you know they make you feel sick. Instead, prioritize easy-to-eat things that will help you feel better.
6. Keep stress under control and prioritize sleep.
It is scientifically proven that high levels of stress and lack of sleep are fundamental factors that can trigger morning sickness. To counteract these, it is advisable to prioritize a night of sleep of at least 8 hours, and perform activities such as meditation, yoga, a hobby, or the practice of any other activity that helps you enjoy and relax. It is a must to have some significant lifestyle changes while being pregnant. Exercises, a nutritious diet, enough rest and sleep, lots of water, are just some of the things you can do to give your mind a fresh start.
Keep in mind that although morning sickness is due to hormones and not precisely to your mind, the brain and stomach share nerves, which means that if your mind is upset, it is most likely that your stomach will be upset as well.
7. Have you heard of acupressure to alleviate morning sickness?
There are millions of nerve terminations in the human body; among them, there is one specifically located 2 inches above the crease on the inner area of the wrist. When this point is pressed, it can cause a significant improvement in nausea and vomiting caused by morning sickness.
A study produced by the Obstetric and Gynecology Journal proved that those women who used an Acupressure band during pregnancy reported an improvement in the symptoms of morning sickness. The acupressure bands can be obtained in pharmacies or marine stores and can be used in one or both wrists.
8. Update your wardrobe.
Dress comfortably, wear loose clothing. It has been proven that many pregnant women who experience some type of pressure in the abdomen, waist or neck, complain of an increase in their morning sickness.
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9. Lie on your right side.
As if nausea and vomiting were not enough, during the first trimester, one of the symptoms that is part of the morning sickness is heartburn. This burning sensation is due to gastric acid reflux coming from the stomach to the lower portion of the esophagus. This back reflux is caused by a relaxation of the stomach walls and upper stomach sphincter produced by the pregnancy hormones.
When you lie on the right side of your body, you are promoting a proper evacuation of food from the stomach to the small intestines.
The stomach is a muscular organ, it borders on the upper part with the esophagus, and on the lower part with the small intestines, the stomach is located in the upper abdomen (epigastrium) on the medial side to the left, but connects with the small intestine on the right side of the body. Therefore this position allows gravity to empty the stomach properly to the small intestines.
10. Stay positive.
And finally, stay positive and trust that all of this has a reason for being. It is important to emphasize that the percentage of women who feel good after the end of the first trimester is very high. And for all those other women who still experience some type of nausea or morning sickness during the second and third trimesters, just think that it is not long before you see your baby. Keeping your mind positive and productive will help you cope with your discomforts and feel happier and more energetic.
Final thoughts.
As you can see, the symptoms of pregnancy are all intertwined, and each and every one of them has a reason for being. But even when you feel terrible, there are always little things you can do to feel better. After all, pregnancy is not a disease, but the most beautiful thing that can happen to a woman.
I hope this post has been able to help you. Feel free to leave your comments below if you do something I haven’t mentioned to make you feel better about your morning sickness.
As usual, thanks for reading, and I will see you next time.
Zadi, xo.
Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.
[…] Related post: Ways to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy. […]
Ever since I read your list a few months and follow your recommendations, I was able to control almost 95% my morning sickness. I can’t thank you enough.
Post* sorry
[…] Related post you might like to read if you want to alleviate morning sickness: Ways to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy. […]