Third Trimester Baby Development by Week.

Third trimester baby development by week.
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The third trimester will not only make you feel more tired, but it will also make you feel excited about the arrival of your baby. In this article I’ll give you an overview of your Third trimester baby developmental milestones weekly, so you know what is happening with your baby these last weeks. Ultrasound images are included in this article as well.

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Third trimester baby development by week.

Third trimester baby development by week.

Beginning of the third Trimester at 27 weeks.

Weeks 25-29.

While still translucent, the skin has turned reddish-orange, and it has become wrinkled and sagging. As the person ages, their fingerprints and toe prints become more pronounced. Your baby’s heart rate or movement will increase as a result of environmental stimuli, such as sounds. You may notice your baby’s hiccups jerking around in jerk-like motions at this time. By the end of the sixth month, your baby will be about 14 inches long and weigh anything from 2 To 4 pounds.

This month, your baby’s organs and systems will continue to grow and mature. In addition, fat will start to accumulate. Hearing is fully developed at this point. Sound, pain, and light all elicit a response from him or her, and he or she may even shift positions. Pregnant women see a gradual reduction in amniotic fluid as the baby increases in size. Toward the conclusion of this month,

It is better for your baby to be born after week 27 of pregnancy.

Baby development by Weeks.

  • Week 25: Your baby’s wrinkled skin is beginning to fill out with baby fat, giving them the appearance of a newborn. Their hair is starting to grow in, and it is colored and textured. Your baby is now the same size as a typical Rutabaga.
  • Week 26: Baby is now inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which aids in lung development. These breathing exercises are excellent preparation for that first breath of air at birth. Your child is about the size of a Lettuce.
  • Week 27: This week marks the end of your second trimester. Your baby is now sleeping and waking up on a regular basis, and their brain is very active. Their lungs aren’t fully formed, but with medical assistance, they could function outside the womb. Your child is the size of a cauliflower head.
  • Week 28: Your baby’s eyesight is developing, and they may be able to detect light coming in from outside. Their eyelashes have grown in, and they can blink. Your child is about the size of a large eggplant.
  • Week 29: Baby’s muscles and lungs are working hard to prepare them to function in the outside world, and their head is expanding to make room for their developing brain. Your child is about the size of an Acorn squash.

Baby ultrasound image.

baby ultrasound at 29 weeks

Week 30-34.

Continued growth and accelerated brain development occur throughout this month as the baby’s body stores more fat. Kicking will increase as soon as the baby sees. Although most internal organs and systems have matured, the lungs are still maturing. By the time your baby reaches 8 months old, he or she is over 18 inches long and weighs nearly 5 pounds!

Baby development by Weeks.

  • Week 30: Baby is surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid, which will diminish as they grow and take up more space inside your uterus. Your child is about the size of a large Cabbage.
  • Week 31: Your infant is now able to turn their head to the side. Protective fat is building up beneath their skin, filling in their arms and legs. Your baby is now the size of a Coconut.
  • Week 32: As of now, your baby is probably adding roughly half a pound per week to his/her weight. About one-third to one-half of your baby’s birth weight will be gained in the next seven weeks as he or she prepares to leave the womb. The baby will be now the size of a Jicama.
  • Week 33: In your baby’s skull, the bones haven’t yet merged into one. As their head squeezes into the birth canal, they are able to move around because of this. Adulthood is the only time they will be able to fully integrate. Baby is the size of a Pineapple.
  • Week 34: When it comes to your baby’s central nervous system, they’re just about ready to go. The long-term outcomes of babies delivered between 34- and 37-weeks gestational age are generally favorable. The baby is now the size of a Melon.

Baby ultrasound image.

baby ultrasound at 34 weeks

Weeks 35-40.

During this stage, the lungs mature in order to be ready for birth. Babies gain the ability to respond to sounds and other stimuli by blinking, grabbing, and turning their heads. A few weeks before birth, the baby will be in a position where its head is near the birth canal, and it will be less active. Your baby is now between 18 and 20 inches long and weighs at least 7 pounds!

Baby development by Weeks.

  • Week 35: It’s becoming very snug inside your womb! Your baby’s kidneys are fully grown, and their liver is capable of processing a small amount of waste. Your baby is around the size of a Honeydew Melon.
  • Week 36: Baby is gaining approximately one ounce every day. They’re also shedding the majority of their lanugo hair, as well as the vernix caseosa, a waxy material that had previously protected their skin. Your infant is about the size of a Romaine Lettuce head.
  • Week 37: Your due date is rapidly approaching, and while your baby appears to be a newborn, he or she is already considered full term. Their lungs and brains will continue to mature during the next two weeks. You could go into labor at any moment now. Your newborn is around the size of a bunch of Swiss chard.
  • Week 38: Their eye irises are not fully pigmented, which means that if they are born with blue eyes, they may change to a darker shade before they reach the age of roughly a year. Your infant is roughly the size of a Pumpkin.
  • Week 39: While your baby’s physical development is complete, they are still gaining weight and increasing in size. Your infant is around the size of a Watermelon.
  • Week 40: If you are past your due date, you may not be as far behind as you believe, particularly if you calculated it purely on the day of your last menstruation. Occasionally, women ovulate later than anticipated. Your provider will monitor your pregnancy closely to ensure that you can safely continue it. Your infant is around the size of a Jackfruit.

Baby ultrasound image.

baby ultrasound at 40 weeks

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Final thoughts about Third trimester baby development by week.

Your baby is always growing and developing from the time of conception to the time of birth. They will go through several phases, beginning as a blastocyst, then evolving into an embryo, and finally becoming a fetus, before being born. A baby’s heart will begin to beat at the 5-week mark, and around 27 weeks they will have normal sleep and wake cycles. At 39 weeks, your kid will be fully developed in terms of physical development. Use this pregnancy timeline to find out how large your baby is and how they’re developing throughout the nine months of pregnancy.

The growth and development of human life is a miracle and is exciting to know what’s happening inside your womb. If you have any question about today’s topic don’t hesitate to leave your question below. I hope this article was helpful, don’t forget to check other articles about pregnancy before you go.

Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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