Imagine wishing and trying for one baby and ending up with two! Statistics show that there has been an increase in twin pregnancy the past few years and this short guide should answer any questions you have to giving …

A pregnancy, Motherhood and Lifestyle Blog
Imagine wishing and trying for one baby and ending up with two! Statistics show that there has been an increase in twin pregnancy the past few years and this short guide should answer any questions you have to giving …
You must be very excited if you reach 12 weeks, you are about to finish the first trimester. As usual, on this article, you will find good info about your 12 week pregnancy and what to expect on your …
Most twin or multiple pregnancies are discovered during an ultrasound. If you’re having a twin pregnancy or other multiples, here’s what you need to know to take good care of yourself and your babies. So in this article I …
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