Causes of Infertility and Remedies.

Causes of infertility in male and females and solutions.
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The term infertility refers to the abnormal incapacity to produce children by natural means of conception. It also refers to the incapability of a woman to go through the entire course of pregnancy. Several couples throughout the world strive hard to conceive a child, however some find extreme difficulty in doing so and thus need medical assistance to be successful. Around percent of the people in the reproductive age are infertile according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, a third of such cases affect females, another third affects males, and 15 percent affect both partners.

Technically, a couple is considered infertile if they are unable to conceive a child within six months of unprotected sexual intercourse (or 12 months if the woman is over 35 years old), according to the INCIID (International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination). There are many reasons this may happen. Such factors may affect either the male or the female, or both partners.

Causes of Male Infertility.

  • There are several factors that could lead to male infertility. A common cause is the problem with sperm production. An infertile male may be producing very little sperm cells or very weak/immobile sperm cells. A man may also be affected by an underlying disease or medical condition such as endocrine problems, diabetes, Kallmanns syndrome, hypogonadism, hyperprolactinemia, drug and alcohol-related problems, that hinder the production of hormones necessary for sperm production.
  • Some men might have problems on their reproductive organs themselves. Among such conditions include Klinefelter syndrome, testiscular trauma, mumps, Idiopathic failure, varicocele, hydrocele, cryptorchidism among others. These conditions have direct effects on the testicles themselves, which are the organs responsible for sperm production.
  • Some men might be able to produce healthy and plentiful of sperm cells but have problems of releasing them after intercourse. They might have an obstruction in the vas deferens (the tube that connects the testicles to the penis), infection, retrograde ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and hypospadias. This prevents the successful transfer of sperm to the female reproductive system.
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Causes of Female Infertility.

  • As a counterpart to the causes of male infertility, females might have problems with the production of healthy egg cells. They might have problems in their ovaries such as polycystic ovary syndrome, luteal dysfunction, diminished ovarian reserve, Turner syndrome, anovulatory cycles, ovarian neoplasm or premature menopause, which hinder the healthy maturation and appropriate release of egg cells.
  • A woman may also be suffering other conditions that affect her reproductive health. Among such conditions include diabetes mellitus, adrenal disease, liver ailments, kidney malfunction, thyroid disorders, and psychological problems.
  • A woman may also have problems with certain glands that produce necessary hormones for reproductions. Among such diseases include Kallmann syndrome, hypothalamic dysfunction, hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, and hyperprolactinemia.
  • Some problems may also be affect the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg cell. Such problems include anti-sperm antibodies, cervical stenosis, and insufficient secretion of mucus for the travel of sperm.
  • The uterus or the womb itself might not be conducive for carrying a child. There could be uterine malformations, leiomyoma or uterine fibroids, and Ashermans Syndrome.
  • Infertility is a difficult problem. Fortunately, the wonders of medical science has produced several treatments for both male and female infertility. To know more about them, one can simply consult a fertility clinic, a gynecologist or a urologist.

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What can you both do to improve or eliminate infertility?

It is not just the female who should prepare herself for pregnancy. Males have an important role to play too and this should not be underestimated.

If both sets of parents are in top physical health pre pregnancy, then this should assist in the maximization of a healthy sperm, ova and uterus and thus ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Some experts believe that if both parents have prepared, then this can reduce and in many cases eliminate infertility, pregnancy and birth problems.

1. The Planning Stage.

Conception can be a difficult issue for some couples. Fertility problems are on the increase and it has been noted that there is a general decline in a males sperm count compared to previous times. There are many reasons for this including stress, smoking, alcohol, poor diet and nutrition, tight fitting male undergarments as well as the taking of controlled substances.

Once it has been decided to start a family, most females will not get pregnant straight away. It can take a female up to two years after coming off the contraception pill before she is ready to conceive.

2. Avoid Alcohol.

Alcohol can reduce fertility. It can cause a decrease in sperm counts and increase abnormal sperm. It can also prevent the body absorb vital nutrients such as zinc that are essential prior to conception.

Syndrome (FAS) can result in under weight and under length babies as well as organic failure to thrive after delivery. There can be other problems later in life such as behavioral problems, hyperactivity to name but a few.

A female who is planning her pregnancy should stop drinking a few months prior to conception. This applies to the male as well. Heavy drinking sessions should be avoided at all costs. She should avoid alcohol for the time of her pregnancy and also for the time she is breastfeeding if applicable.

3. Stop Smoking.

This can be not only a factor in reducing a males sperm count but can also affect the actual pregnancy itself resulting in premature babies and babies born with congenital malformations. Both parents should give up smoking prior to conception. When pregnant it is best to avoid smoky atmospheres. Also there has been found to be a link with smoking after birth in the presence of the baby and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

4. Don’t do Drugs.

It is advisable for both parents like smoking and alcohol, to stop taking drugs whether illegal substances, prescribed or over the counter medication prior, during and after conception. All can have an adverse affect on conception.
Taking illegal substances can have severe affects on your baby whilst within the womb and can result in low birth weights, congenital malformations or miscarriages. The drugs affect not only the mother but the baby as well and the baby can have severe withdrawal symptoms similar to adults when he or she is born. It is advisable to ask for suitable advice from your doctor of pharmacist prior to taking any form of medication.

In all cases of alcohol, smoking and drugs it is advisable to stop taking these four months prior to conception. Not only will both sets of parents benefit it will ensure the optimum health of your unborn baby.

5. Weight Management is important to eliminate infertility.

Both males and females should ensure they are at their ideal body weight pre conception. Being either over weight or under weight can affect females chances of becoming pregnant as the female can stop ovulating. A female should therefore try and maintain a healthy and nutritional diet prior to conception as this will assist the balance of hormones needed to maximize the chance of conceiving.

6. Diet

It cannot be stressed enough how health and nutrition are extremely important pre pregnancy. The following play food groups can play an important part in affecting your chances of conceiving and improving fertility. 

  • Fats
  • Fiber
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein

Fats: Not all fats are bad for you. Fats can be split up into two groups polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats.

Polyunsaturated fats are essential to the human diet and can help maintain good skin, hormonal balance and can assist in reproduction. These fats can be found in nuts, seeds and oily fish such as sardines or mackerel.

Saturated fats can lead to weight gain and clogged arteries. They should be kept to a minimum in your diet. These fats can be found in bread, cakes, eggs, dairy products including milk and cheese and meat.

Fiber: To achieve a healthy and balanced diet fiber plays an essential part. It assists in digestion and helps to keep the bowels healthy and prevents constipation. It also ensures that nutrients are stored within the body. A high fiber diet assists a female in conception as it enables the body to get rid of any impurities and this in turn will help the reproductive system be at an optimum level.

Fiber can be found in all fresh fruit and vegetables, all types of beans, whole-grains such as brown breads, rice and pastas as well as in nuts and seeds.

Carbohydrates:  Carbohydrates can like fats be split up into two groups, simple and complex.
The body sources its energy from the carbohydrates we eat. It is advisable to eat as much complex carbohydrates as possible. These can be found in whole grain foods and whole meal flours such as brown rice, potatoes and wholegrain pastas.

Simple carbohydrates contain sugars, sweeteners and fats and nothing else of nutritional value. They are mostly found in jams, cakes, biscuits and other sweet tasting snacks. Eating too many simple carbohydrates not only affects your weight but can also cause fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. This may have an affect on your hormonal cycle. It is advisable therefore to cut down on these types of carbohydrates or at best avoid them.

Protein:  A healthy diet is high in protein. A diet low in protein can reduce females chances of conception. Conception for both vegetarians and vegans may have to be boosted from other sources of protein.

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Infertility refers to the incapacity to produce children naturally. Learn in this post cause of infertility and solutions for male and female

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Final thoughts about Infertility causes and solutions.

If you are sexually active, it is important the you keep track of your sexual health as well while trying to get pregnant. Keep in mind that there are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases and you can easily get by being careless and have sex with multiple partners. Therefore, practice safe sex and visit your doctor regularly.

If you enjoy this article feel free to share your thoughts and stay connected for future posts.

Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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(3) Comments

  1. Hey, this was lovely. You are very good at what you do my friend <3

  2. […] Causes Of Infertility and solutions. […]

  3. Penny S says:

    Very helpful post!!! I’ve been fighting infertility for a long time. I am planning to follow some of your tips. Hopefully I can have a baby soon.

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