If you’re 24 weeks pregnant, you’re in month 6 of your pregnancy. Only 3 months left to go!. Today’s post will about your Normal 24 week pregnancy and ultrasound, as usual you are going to find ultrasound images and everything you need to know about your 24 week pregnancy in this post, so let’s begin…
How Big Is your Baby at 24 Weeks Pregnant?
At 24 weeks pregnant, the baby is as big as a Cantaloupe. The average 24 week fetus weighs about 630 grams/1.4 lbs. and measures about 21 centimeters long(Excluding legs).
What are your symptoms at 24 weeks pregnant:
Swollen hands and/or feet: Now that you’re pregnant, you have an increase in the amount of fluids in your body. So minor swelling is totally normal and will resolve as soon as baby is born.
Leg cramps: Generally speaking is considered normal but can be sign of dehydration so make sure you are drinking plenty of water, combined with some moderate exercise like walks and stretching however let your doctor know if the cramps is persistent because can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency so it’s worth to keep an eye on.
Linea nigra: That’s the dark line that runs up the center of your belly. Influenced by pregnancy hormones, it will fade soon after birth.
Backaches: With the growth of the uterus and your baby, this begins to mildly bend your spine and put stress on your back muscles. Backaches are especially common for women who are 24 weeks pregnant with twins.
Stretch marks: Unfortunately the best friend for a lot of us, Stretch marks are a form of scarring on the skin. Over time they may diminish, but will not disappear completely. Stretch marks usually form during second and third trimester, and usually on the belly, but also can occur on the breasts, thighs, hips, lower back and buttocks. Stretch marks are more common for some women simply because of family history, lack on collagen or because of sudden weight gain.
Other symptoms such as Hip pain and Abdominal aches, back aches, constipation, migraines, Dizziness and others might be part of your normal second trimester list of symptoms as well, all part of being a mommy-to-be duty.
What to know about doctor visits at 24 weeks.
Important things you need to know about your doctors appointments at this point, if you are not considered high risk and if there is no medical condition your doctor appointments should be every 4 weeks.
Around 24 weeks pregnant, your doctor will order a Glucose Screening Test, to rule out if you at risk for gestational diabetes. The test is designed to see how your body processes sugar, so you’ll be asked to drink a sweet liquid called Glucola (similar to Gatorade) and then wait for an hour. Once the hour is up, you’ll have your blood drawn and then it will be tested to see how your body has processed the sugar.
If your doctor finds abnormal results, you may have to have a follow-up test called the glucose tolerance test. It will measure how your body processes sugar over a three-hour period to see if you really have gestational diabetes. If you do, it’s not the end of the world. Your doctor will counsel you on how to keep your condition under control, so the rest of your pregnancy stays healthy. And you and baby might get extra monitoring through extra ultrasounds. Looking on the brighter side: At least you’ll get to see your baby more often!
Related post:
The ultimate guide for your 21 week ultrasound.
Your ultimate guide for your 22 week pregnancy ultrasound.
Your ultimate guide for your 23 week pregnancy ultrasound.
Baby essentials, checklist for the registry included.
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Fetal development at 24 weeks.
- Your baby is gaining steadily about six ounces per week. Much of that weight gain is coming from growing organs, bones, muscle and accumulating baby fat. If you’re wondering what your baby will look like when it’s born? well let say that you’ll be able to tell by now. That beautiful face even though is still tiny is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows and hair.
- All the hair in your baby’s body locks white, since there’s no pigment yet.
- The fat that will be piled on under baby’s skin is also missing right now. Until those fat deposits are made, that skin is still very transparent, which means a close look would let you see clear through all the organs, bones and blood vessels. Fortunately, that see-through look won’t last much longer.
- Lastly but not least, baby’s hearing is getting even more advanced by now, he or she hears now all kinds of sounds in your womb.
Normal 24 week baby ultrasound images.

Tips for You This Week.
Make sure you are taking the recommended amount of Protein
Protein is made up of the amino acids that build your baby’s adorable face and every cell below it. Your baby’s brain, in particular, needs proteins to transform itself into the marvelous organ that will help your baby breathe, walk, talk and have a healthy life. During pregnancy, you need three servings of protein every day (the equivalent of about 75 grams).
Track your Weight Gain.
Not gaining your fair share of weight during pregnancy (a total of 25 to 35 pounds for most women), or gaining too slowly (by now you should be gaining an average of a pound a week) can have major consequences. Inadequate weight gain can increase your risk of preterm delivery and delivering a low birth weight baby can bring other pregnancy complications later on. So make sure you stick to a healthy diet where you gain what you and your baby needs for a healthy growth and development. If you have any questions, you can always check with your doctor.
Conclusion about Normal 24 week baby ultrasound.
This is the most important information about your 24 week pregnancy, ultrasound and doctor visit.
I hope this post was helpful to you, I will see you next time.
If you have any question feel free to comment below.
Disclaimer: Due to HIPPA compliance and regulations all patient information is protected on this site, the majority of the Ultrasound images are my own. Also, the information provided on my blog is designed to provide helpful information about the topic and are made with the best of my knowledge, therefore, is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition, For diagnosis or treatments on any medical problems consult a physician. The author is not responsible or liable for any mistreated pathologies or wrong treatments.