Second Trimester Baby Development by Week.

Second Trimester Baby Development by Week.
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If you started the second trimester of pregnancy, trimester in which you will feel more energetic, happier and more radiant than ever before, congratulations. The chance of a miscarriage drops drastically after this time, that alone is good news. The growth of your baby doesn’t stop here, as the baby keeps growing and developing until birth. In this article I’ll give you an overview of your Second trimester baby development by week, so you have an idea about your baby’s growth and development during this time. This article includes ultrasound images as well.

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Second Trimester Baby Development by Week.

Second trimester baby development by week.

Weeks 15-19.

Hair, eyelids, lashes, and fingernails are all well-developed by this time. A Doppler gadget has made it possible to hear the heartbeat clearly. The baby’s teeth begin to harden, and he or she begins to yawn, stretch, and move in different ways. An ultrasound now shows the reproductive organs. Your kid is now capable of stretching, sucking their thumb, yawning, and making adorable faces.

During this period, the neurological system of the child is forming and developing. If your doctor performs an ultrasound during this time, he or she will be able to identify the gender of your baby. Your baby will be around 6 inches long and weigh 4 ounces by the end of the fourth month.

Baby development by Weeks.

  • Week 15: Your baby’s eyes are still closed, but they can still sense light. In the dark, your tummy will move away from you if you shine a flashlight on it. Your baby’s sex could be found out this week. Your baby is now the size of an Apple.
  • Week 16: In this week you can see the patterning on your baby’s scalp already, even though their hair hasn’t grown yet. Their legs are stronger, their head is more upright, and their ears are close to where they will be when they are done. Your baby is now about the size of an Avocado.
  • Week 17: He or she can move his or her joints, and their skeleton, which was once soft cartilage, is now becoming bone. The umbilical cord is becoming more and more strong and thick. The baby is now the size of a Pear.
  • Week 18: Your baby is moving their arms and legs, and you might be able to feel them. Internally, their nerves are getting a layer of myelin to protect them. The baby is now the size of a Bell Pepper.
  • Week 19: It may be possible for your baby to hear your voice. Their senses are developing, and they may be able to smell, see, touch, taste, and hear your voice. If you want to, you can talk, sing, or read to them. This is how big your child is: It’s the same size as an Heirloom Tomato.

Baby ultrasound image.

baby ultrasound 19 weeks

Weeks 20-24.

You may begin to feel the baby’s movements this month. The baby’s head and body continue to grow hair. Lanugo, a fine hair that grows on the back and shoulders, protects the skin from the sun. Vernix caseosa, a thick material, coats the skin to protect it from amniotic fluid exposure. Before the baby is delivered, this layer will shed. Approximately 10 inches long and weighing between.5 and 1 lb., your baby is now at the end of the fifth month.

When a baby is delivered after the 23rd week of pregnancy, he or she will be placed in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Baby development by Weeks.

  • Week 20: It’s time for your baby to start practicing how to swallow. Their digestive system is already forming the meconium, which is the green-dark sticky goo they’ll pass in their first poop. Your baby is now the size of an Artichoke.
  • Week 21: Your baby has now gone from flutters to full-on kicks and jabbed at the walls of your womb. The more you get to know your baby, the more likely it is that you will start to be noticing patterns. Baby now is about the size of a Carrot.
  • Week 22: Your baby now looks almost like a tiny newborn. There are more features like lips and eyebrows that can be seen, but the pigment that will make their eyes color isn’t yet in their bodies. Your baby is the same size as a Papaya.
  • Week 23:
  • Baby is now getting better at hearing sounds. After they’re born, they may be able to figure out some of the sounds they hear inside the womb now. Your baby has the size of a Grapefruit.
  • Week 24: Your baby has a pretty long and lean figure, but he or she will get bigger soon. Their skin is still very thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon as well. The baby is now the size of a Corn.

Baby ultrasound image.

baby ultrasound 24 weeks

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Final thoughts about Second trimester baby development by week.

Your baby is always growing and developing from the time of conception to the time of birth. They will go through several phases, beginning as a blastocyst, then evolving into an embryo, and finally becoming a fetus, before being born. A baby’s heart will begin to beat at the 5-week mark, and around 27 weeks they will have normal sleep and wake cycles. At 39 weeks, your baby will be fully developed in terms of physical development. Use this pregnancy timeline to find out how large your baby is and how they’re developing throughout the nine months of pregnancy.

The growth and development of human life is a miracle and is exciting to know what’s happening inside your womb. If you have any question about today’s topic don’t hesitate to leave your question below. I hope this article was helpful, don’t forget to check other articles about pregnancy before you go, you can click this link.

Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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