Unexplained Infertility: Everything You Need to Know About It.

Unexplained infertility, what to do
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Did you know that approximately 25% of couples experience fertility challenges or suffer with unexplained Infertility? In this article I am going to explain everything you need to know about Unexplained Infertility, along with important tips that will help you with any type of infertility. Those tips include treatment to get pregnant and natural remedies to boost your fertility. Ready? Let’s begin.

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Unexplained Infertility: Everything You Need to Know.

Couples who have trouble getting pregnant already have a hard time. About 25% of couples who are having trouble getting pregnant will get this diagnosis. However, there is reason to be optimistic. In fact, your chances of getting pregnant are higher than most infertility diagnoses, depending on how old you are and how long you’ve been trying to get pregnant. The bad news is that there is no clear reason why you can’t get pregnant yet, so read on to find out more about unexplained infertility for a better understanding of this condition and what to do about it.

What is Exactly Unexplained Infertility?

Unknown infertility occurs when a healthcare expert conducts a standard infertility test and cannot discover a cause for a couple’s inability to conceive. If you’re unable to conceive, your fertility doctor has established that you don’t have a specific set of difficulties. It is possible that you haven’t taken all the essential tests, but one expert may conclude that your case is unexplained, and he may be right. To establish a case of unexplained infertility, both the female and male partners must have a comprehensive reproductive evaluation.

What Tests are Usually Done to Diagnose an Unexplained Infertility?

Assessments of infertility can be different depending on the situation of the couple and how their doctor tests them. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine, on the other hand, has rules for normal infertility, such as:

  • An ovulation test to see if you’re ovulating on a regular basis.
  • A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is used to determine the state of the fallopian tubes (whether they are open and healthy).
  • A hysteroscopy is used by a doctor to examine the uterus for any severe uterine fertility issues.
  • An ovarian reserve assessment meaning follicle count, as well as blood work.
  • A sperm analysis to determine the number, shape, and motility of your partner’s sperm.

A fertility specialist may also advise you to have a diagnostic laparoscopy to rule out endometriosis. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which the doctor inserts a tiny camera into your uterus to view your internal organs and conditions. Endometriosis cannot be diagnosed using an ultrasound or blood tests.

All of these tests, as well as a physical exam and a review of your medical and sexual history, will be performed by a fertility specialist to rule out any concerns that could affect your fertility.

The doctor may diagnosis both of you with unexplained reproductive concerns after these testing. Because you know you have a problem but don’t know what’s causing it, the diagnosis might be stressful. Unexplained fertility, like certain other causes of infertility, can cure itself with time. In reality, a 2012 study of nearly 1,300 infertile women aged 28 to 36 found that 43 percent of those who never received fertility treatments eventually became pregnant and delivered.

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Unexplained infertility, what to do

What are the Possible Causes of Unexplained Infertility?

There is a reason for unexplained infertility. It’s just not clear or diagnosed yet. The following are some possible explanations for this unexplained infertility:

1. The quantity and quality of eggs:

According to Advanced Fertility, the chances of being diagnosed with unexplained fertility increase significantly in women over the age of 35 and even more in women over the age of 38. The older a woman is, the more likely she is to have problems with egg quantity and quality. Because there is no “standard category” for egg factor infertility, these couples are automatically categorized as “unexplained” infertility. Women over 40 will have difficulty conceiving, and it gets worse for those over 45 because conceiving after 45 is rare, even if they have regular monthly menstruation. As a result, the older the woman, the more likely it is that an egg-related problem is causing the fertility problem, and there is no specific test to check egg quality.

2. Fertility may be affected by an undiagnosed non-reproductive underlying condition:

Untreated Celiac disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and thyroid disorders. All of those conditions have an impact on female fertility.

3. Endometriosis:

Severe endometriosis will almost certainly result in noticeable fertility issues even without a laparoscopy. Ovulation may be affected by fallopian tube blockages or endometrial cysts, best known as Endometriomas.

Mild endometriosis, on the other hand, may not affect ovulation or prevent egg passage, and the symptoms may be missed. Endometriosis, on the other hand, may be to blame for some cases of unexplained infertility.

4. Infertility can also be caused by sperm problems:

Such as poor sperm shape and motility. Some sperm-quality issues, however, may not be apparent in sperm analysis and must be diagnosed during IVF treatment. For example, sperm may have poor DNA quality, which worsens with age. This explains why children born to older men are predisposed to certain birth disorders and mental health issues.

5. Endometrial issues:

It is possible that a healthy embryo will not be unable to attach to the endometrium, this is usually due to polyps or submucosal fibroids (fibroids that are inside the endometrial cavity), or uterine malformations such as Bicornuate uterus: Uterus with 2 endometrial cavities, among others.

6. Other Unknown factors:

Not everything about fertility is known, and unknown factors could be the source of your unexplained infertility.

7. Nothing is wrong:

Some causes of unexplained infertility resolve within 12 to 24 months of diagnosis, with no explanation. Nobody’s chances are ever 100 percent. Even a healthy, fertile couple has only about a 30% chance of becoming pregnant in any given month.

Perhaps it’s just a case of subfertility, a minor fertility issue that will resolve on its own with time.

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Possible Causes in Which Infertility Remains Unexplained, this is Known as Idiopathic Infertility:

  • In cases of infertility that cannot be explained, abnormalities are undoubtedly present but cannot be identified with the procedures that are currently available.
  • There is a chance that the egg will not be released at the optimal time for fertilization, that it will not enter the fallopian tube.
  • The sperm will not be able to reach the egg, that fertilization will not take place, that the transport of the zygote will be disrupted, or that implantation will not take place.
  • These are all potential problems that could arise. It is becoming more widely acknowledged that egg quality is of paramount significance, and that women who have reached their full reproductive potential have eggs with a diminished capacity for normal and effective fertilization.
  • In addition, mutations in genes involved in the folate system might be one cause of fertility difficulties in certain women who have unexplained infertility.
  • Abnormal reproductive immunology, such as a reduction in the maternal immune system’s tolerance for the embryo, is another potential cause of this condition.
  • On the other hand, there is an increasing body of research that points to epigenetic alterations in sperm as possibly being a contributing factor.

Treatments for Unexplained Infertility that can Help.

Since there is no clear cause, most treatments for couples with unexplained infertility focus on the most likely reasons. Here are some common ways to treat unexplained infertility that will help you to get pregnant:

  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI): Is a type of artificial insemination that involves washing and concentrating the sperm and then putting it directly into the woman’s uterus around the time she ovulates.
  • Planned sexual activity: You’ll be told how to time sex so that it always happens around the time you ovulate.
  • Start taking Clomid: Clomid pills can make a woman make more eggs each month instead of just one. Most of the time, it is used with IUI.
  • Injectable gonadotropins: These medicines contain hormones that make eggs release and can treat low sperm count. They are used with IUI to increase the chances of getting pregnant when there is no clear reason for it.
  • Changes to your lifestyle: You may be told to stop smoking, drink less alcohol and coffee, and stay at a healthy weight. All of these things can help your fertility.
  • IVF treatment: IVF is the most expensive and effective way to solve infertility that can’t be explained. For infertility that can’t be explained, doctors usually use Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), which is a form of IVF.

What Can You Do to Boost your Fertility if the Causes are Still Unkown?

Keep up with a Healthy Diet:

Regardless of the cause of your infertility, the first step you should do is to examine your nutrition and make any necessary adjustments. This indicates that you should be consuming foods that are organic, seafood, and foods that are high in vitamin E, vitamin C, and folate in your diet. These foods include cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and pumpkin seeds, among others. In addition to this, you will need to steer clear of harmful foods such as cereals, processed meats high in fat, and refined sugar.

Consider Taking Supplement:

Taking dietary supplements that are well-known for helping to boost fertility is yet another fantastic alternative. For instance, evening primrose is well known for its ability to increase the amount of cervical mucus as well as boost the functioning of the uterus. Vitamin C plays a role in preventing a process known as agglutination, which occurs in male sperm when they come into contact with one another.

When it comes to women, B vitamins aid in the metabolism of estrogen, while vitamin E can assist in maintaining hormonal equilibrium. In addition, the local application of progesterone cream is something that may be done in order to achieve a more natural equilibrium between the amounts of estrogen and progesterone that are found in the bodies of most women.

Reduce Stress:

Make it a goal to reduce the amount of stress that you are exposed to on a day-to-day basis. When a woman is at increased risk for infertility, stress can have a significant negative effect on her health. Therefore, if you are experiencing difficulties conceiving a child, you need to reevaluate all of the things in your life that cause you to feel stressed and worried.

This is the most effective method for determining the source of the majority of your stress and working on removing that source from your life. If there is no way to get rid of it, then you should look into stress management techniques that can assist you in coping better with the things that are stressing you out. The practice of Meditation or Joga can do wonders to help to lower stress levels.

Prioritize Sleep:

Your sleep is so important, and it actually helps to enhance your fertility when you get more sleep than usual. If you have any sort of infertility, natural treatment options are available. Sleeping has a significant impact on the production and equilibrium of hormones. Because of this, if you don’t get enough sleep, both your menstrual cycle and your ovulation will be disrupted as a result. Your levels of the hormone leptin are going to drop if you aren’t getting enough sleep.

Another factor that is going to have a detrimental effect on your ovulation is this one. If you have trouble falling asleep on a regular basis, then you are going to have a higher level of stress hormones compared to other women.

Don’t Forget to Exercise:

Exercising regularly is the fifth natural option that can help treat infertility. This will assist in restoring a healthy balance to your hormones. When an individual exercises, they are going to be able to observe a significant change in the levels of their hormones almost all of the time. When a person’s disposition improves, they will have an easier time falling asleep and will also discover that their libido has increased. This is due to the numerous hormonal shifts that you are going to go through throughout this time in your life. It is essential for the body to maintain a healthy lifestyle and engage in physical activity.

Try Essential Oils:

Why don’t you experiment with essential oils? When striving to achieve hormonal harmony, essential oils are used by a significant number of women. Ylang ylang is one of the primary essential oils that women may take in consideration to assist boost their fertility. Thyme is another essential oil that may be used. When men are experiencing fertility issues, it’s possible that using thyme and sandalwood will be beneficial to them.

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Final Thoughts About Today’s Topic.

Before making a diagnosis of infertility, it is common practice to first try to rule out as many potential causes as possible. However, the age of the female partner and the length of time the couple has been trying to conceive are typically the aspects of the situation that receive the most attention.

I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any question about today’s topic don’t hesitate to leave your question below. I hope this article was helpful, don’t forget to check other articles about pregnancy before you go, you can click this link.

Zadi, xo

Disclaimer: The medical information on this post is for educational and entertainment use only. Under no circumstances, this information is to replace your doctor’s advice or to treat any disease. For proper care, always visit your doctor.

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