Safety general rules for kids.

safety rules for kids
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Recently many of us saw our children return to school, and although nothing has ever happened to me personally, I always can’t help feeling stressed out thinking about the safety of my kids. With a child of 11 years old, always before starting classes, I like to recapitulate with him some safety measures so that he knows what to do in case of facing a difficult or dangerous situation. If you are like me and you are worried about the safety of your children, I will give you some Safety rules for kids that will help you keep your children safe and out of danger.

The statistics with reference to the safety of our children is alarming, among bullying, hate speech, fight at schools, gangs, drugs and sexual predators, there are many things for which we have to take care of our children. In this post I will be talking specifically about Safety at school, Sexual predators, Safety when your kids walk to school or vice versa, Buses’ basics safety rules and Internet safety measurements. Ready? Let’s begin.

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Safety general rules for kids.

 Everything starts at home.

Be sure that you know your child very well, having open communication with him. Make him understand that no matter what happens, you will always be there for him, to support and keep him safe, and that as communication must be open, it is forbidden to keep secrets with mom or dad.

Every day when I pick up my son from school I ask him all about his day, but besides the normal questions like:

Did it go well today at school?
Did you feel comfortable in your classroom?
What did you eat for lunch?

I particularly like to ask my son these 2 questions, that in my opinion are essential to understand how your child feels in general about school time, and those two questions are:

1.What was the part of the day that made you happy or that made you feel very good about yourself?

This may include some praise from the teacher for a correct response or for behaving good on the lunch line etc..

2. What was the worst part of your day today?

And this obviously includes the opposite, examples:
An argument or disagreement with his best friend, a scolding from the teacher, a fight at school, seeing or listening something inappropriate,  or any other situation that made him feel confused, sad or uncomfortable.

How to teach your child about sexual predators.

Did you know that statistics for sexual assaults are also chilling? And that, what you teach your children about this, can help you not only in school but everywhere, even with family or friends. A large percentage of sexual abuse against our children often come from people we know or who are part of your group of friends or family.

Some tips for teaching your child about sexual predators.

  • Since your child is little, teach him to call things by its name(vagina, penis)
  • Explain to your child about his private parts and where are they located.
  • Teach your child about his trusted safety network. Who are those persons? mom, dad, grandma or grandpa.
  • Explain that everything located under the bathing suit is private, and that no one outside his trusted safety network can see, touch, or take photos of these parts.
  • Teach him that he owns his body and that it is valid to have feelings of rejection towards someone. That if he doesn’t want to be kissed or hugged by someone, he is allowed to say NO without feeling uncomfortable or compromised.
  • And that under a dangerous situation with someone, HE is allowed to lie in order to escape and be able to ask for help.
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Safety rules if your child walks to school or vice versa.

  • Choose always the safest route for your child, and before school starts practice with them how to get to school safely. Tell them to avoid shortcuts, mainly if this shortcuts involved isolated or abandoned houses or buildings.
  • Teach your child not to talk to strangers. Talk to your child clearly about sexual predators and the tricks they might use to get their attention. Tell your kids that is prohibited to get a ride from a stranger under any circumstances.
  • If you can, use a buddy system. A buddy system is finding someone that walks every day with your child. Perhaps another boy or girl that goes to the same school, this method will not only keep your child accompanied but it will keep him safer as well.
  • Make sure your child knows basic personal information. But reinforced the fact that this information must be kept in secret from strangers. He needs to know clearly things like names, mom and dad telephone numbers, address, etc.
  • Reinforce security precautions when crossing roads, and always be alert and looking to all directions.

Safety rules for scholar buses or private transportation.

  • Walk straight to your seat.
  • Sit with your legs facing forward.
  • Keep the aisles clear.
  • Get on and of the bus slowly and safely.

And finally, some safety rules for the internet.

  • Know what games are your child playing, and join if you can the game.
  • Talk to him about sexual predators on the internet as well, explain to him why keeping his information confidential will keep him safe.
  • Use wisely parental controls.
  • Don’t allow him to use his true identity on games.

Related posts.

How to raise kind children, the secret to raise your kids to be kind.

Final thoughts for Safety rules for kids.

The great message that I want you to take from this article is, never forget that your children need protection and guidance. They still don’t know the danger. Creating a safe environment for them is crucial for proper, complete and normal development. Always be alert if you feel something is wrong, trust your maternal instincts.

If this post was useful to you, share it with other moms. As usual, thanks reading the post. If you have any more tips, feel free to add them on the comments, so we all can beneficiate from your advice.

Zadi, XO.

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(6) Comments

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